Pentium (original) - Wikipedia
It was sold as Pentium with MMX Technology (usually just called Pentium MMX); although it was based on the P5 core, it featured a new set of 57 "MMX" instructions intended to improve performance on multimedia tasks, such as encoding and decoding digital media data.
奔腾MMX - 百度百科
MMX(MultiMedia Extensions,多媒体 扩展指令集)是英特尔于1996年发明的一项 多媒体指令 增强技术,包括57条多媒体指令,这些指令可以一次处理多个数据, MMX技术 在软件的配合下,就可以得到更好的性能。
MMX (instruction set) - Wikipedia
MMX is a processor supplementary capability that is supported on IA-32 processors by Intel and other vendors as of 1997. AMD also added MMX instruction set in its K6 processor.
Intel Pentium MMX - AnandTech
1997年5月27日 · Taking after the Pentium Pro, the Pentium MMX has a highly advanced core, much more advanced than the Classic Pentium. It is because of this that a Pentium MMX-166 can outperform its...
【有趣】第31期:看“贴纸”,认CPU(上古时代篇) - 知乎
Pentium MMX (奔腾MMX)处理器(多能奔腾),在第一代奔腾的基础上加入MMX扩展指令集,从此全民PC多媒体时代的序幕被正式拉开(1997年~1998年)。 MMX的实物贴纸为金属薄铝材质。
Intel Pentium MMX - CPU MUSEUM - MUSEUM OF …
It was sold as Pentium with MMX Technology (usually just called Pentium MMX); although it was based on the P5 core, it featured a new set of 57 " MMX " instructions intended to improve performance on multimedia tasks, such as encoding and decoding digital media data. The Pentium MMX line was introduced on 22 October 1996.
Intel Pentium MMX Processor | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 …
Pentium MMX 等于是 Pentium 的加强版中央处理器,除了增加 67 个 MMX(Multi-Media eXtension) 指令以及 64 位数据总线之外,也将指令缓存和数据缓存(Cache)从之前的 8KB 增加到 16KB,内部工作电压降到 2.8 V 。
Pentium MMX - 百度百科
MMX(MultiMedia Extensions,多媒体 扩展指令集)是英特尔于1996年发明的一项 多媒体指令 增强技术,包括57条 多媒体指令,这些指令可以一次处理多个数据,MMX技术在软件的配合下,就可以得到更好的性能。
The graph below highlights Pentium processor with MMX technology at 233MHz performance, compared to the Pentium processor at 200MHz, on popular and industry standard benchmarks that demonstrate the three vectors of performance mentioned above.
The Pentium processor with MMX technology is the first microprocessor to support Intel MMX technology. Furthermore, the Pentium processor with MMX technology superscalar architecture can execute two instructions per clock cycle. Enhanced branch prediction and separate caches also increase performance.
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