Peru - Wikipedia
Peru, [e] officially the Republic of Peru, [f] is a country in western South America.It is bordered in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the south and west by the Pacific Ocean.Peru is a megadiverse country, with habitats ranging from the arid plains of the Pacific coastal region in the west, to the peaks of the ...
Train to Machu Picchu - Ollantaytambo - Cusco | PeruRail
2025年3月13日 · Book your train tickets to Machu Picchu, Cusco, Puno and Arequipa with PeruRail. Several departure times, deals and more, click here!
Peru travel - Lonely Planet | South America
Peru is as complex as its most intricate and exquisite weavings. Festivals mark ancient rites, the urban vanguard fuels innovation and nature bestows splendid diversity.
Peru – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Peru (Spanish: Perú) is without a doubt one of the most captivating countries in South America.Home of the epic lost Inca citadel of Machu Picchu and the mind-blowing Nazca Lines, this country's unique past awakens the adventurer in travellers of all sorts.Its awe-inspiring scenery varies from the wild Amazon jungles to vast coastal deserts and the …
Peru – Wikipedija
Kultura Perua je kombinacija Španjolske kulture i kulture Indijanaca. Čak i prije Inka Carstva, Peru je bio center umjetnosti na južnoameričkom kontinentu. Kulture indijanaca poput Chavin , Paracas , Wari , Nazca , Chimu i Tiahuanaco su se davno bavili umjetnošću, poput izrade kipova i nakita.
Peru Map - South America - Mapcarta
Peru Peru is without a doubt one of the most captivating countries in South America.Home of the epic lost Inca citadel of Machu Picchu and the mind-blowing Nazca Lines, this country's unique past awakens the adventurer in travellers of all sorts.
perua - Dicionário Online Priberam de Português
Significado de perua no Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa. O que é perua
Peru.com - Noticias del Perú y el mundo | Bono Yanapay
Noticias del Perú y el mundo | Bono Yanapay | Bono Wanuchay | AFP | SUNAT | Actualidad | Economía | Gastronomía | Latinoamérica | Entretenimiento | Películas ...
Candelaria: 5 consejos para disfrutar al máximo esta festividad perua... Guía completa para gozar esta celebración que es patrimonio de la humanidad.
Peru — Википедија
Teritorija Perua je dom drevnih kultura od civilizacije Norte Čiko, jedne od najstarijih na svetu, do Carstva Inka, najveće države pretkolumbovske Amerike. Španska imperija je pokorila ovu oblast u 16. veku i osnovala vicekraljevstvo sa glavnim gradom Limom, koje je obuhvatalo najveći deo južnoameričkih kolonija.