Pewee - Wikipedia
The pewees are a genus, Contopus, of small to medium-sized insect -eating birds in the Tyrant flycatcher family Tyrannidae. These birds are known as pewees, from the call of one of the more common members of this vocal group. They are generally charcoal-grey birds with wing bars that live in wooded areas.
Eastern Wood-Pewee Identification - All About Birds
2015年4月30日 · The olive-brown Eastern Wood-Pewee is inconspicuous until it opens its bill and gives its unmistakable slurred call: pee-a-wee! —a characteristic sound of Eastern summers. These small flycatchers perch on dead branches in the …
PEWEE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PEWEE is any of various small largely gray or olive-colored American flycatchers (genus Contopus).
Eastern Wood-Pewee - All About Birds
The olive-brown Eastern Wood-Pewee is inconspicuous until it opens its bill and gives its unmistakable slurred call: pee-a-wee! —a characteristic sound of Eastern summers. These small flycatchers perch on dead branches in the mid-canopy and sally out after flying insects.
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Audubon Field Guide
In eastern woods in summer, the plaintive whistled pee-a-wee of this small flycatcher is often heard before the bird is seen. The bird itself is usually somewhere in the leafy middle story of the trees, perched on a bare twig, darting out to catch passing insects.
Eastern Wood-Pewee Life History - All About Birds
The olive-brown Eastern Wood-Pewee is inconspicuous until it opens its bill and gives its unmistakable slurred call: pee-a-wee!—a characteristic sound of Eastern summers. These small flycatchers perch on dead branches in the mid-canopy and sally out after flying insects.
Western Wood-Pewee | Audubon Field Guide
Small and plain, but often very common, this flycatcher of western woodlands is best known by its voice. Its burry, descending whistle has a hazy sound, well suited to hot summer afternoons. The bird also sings at dawn and dusk, including late in the …
Pewee | Migratory, Songbird, Insectivore | Britannica
Pewee, any of eight species of birds of the genus Contopus (family Tyrannidae); it is named for its call, which is monotonously repeated from an open perch. In North America a sad, clear “pee-oo-wee” announces the presence of the eastern wood pewee (C. virens), while a …
Eastern Wood-Pewee | State of Tennessee, Wildlife Resources Agency - TN.gov
The Eastern Wood-Pewee breeds from southeastern Canada across the eastern states and migrates to northwestern South America during the winter. Description: This medium-sized olive-gray flycatcher is pale below with a darker wash on the breast and sides.
Greater Pewee | Audubon Field Guide
It is often seen perched on a dead twig high in a pine, watching for flying insects. In color and markings, the Greater Pewee is as plain as a bird can be; but it has a beautifully clear, whistled song, ho-say, ma-re-ah, giving rise to its Mexican nickname of 'Jose Maria.'