Fluoropolymer sorbent for efficient and selective capturing of per
2024年9月27日 · In this study, we introduce a PFAS capture technology that utilizes reusable PFPE-modified polystyrenic ion-exchange sorbents, designated as PFPE-IEX + .
【好文】我们对全氟或多氟烷基物质 (PFAS) 了解多少?问题、挑 …
pfas 分子数量巨大(>14000),其中大部分为全氟羧酸和全氟磺酸,以全氟辛酸(pfoa)和全氟辛烷磺酸(pfos)为代表,涉及不同领域的诸多应用。因此,所有这些 pfas 近期都面临着来自监管机构、新闻界和媒体的巨大压力。
Perfluoropolyether - Wikipedia
Perfluoropolyethers are a type of PFAS. [ 4 ] The thermal and chemical stability of PFPEs along with a vapor–liquid equilibrium of 230 °C when mixed with the right composites make it a suitable candidate for vapor phase soldering technologies.
2.2 Chemistry, Terminology, and Acronyms – PFAS — Per- and ...
Polymeric perfluoropolyethers (PFPE) contain a carbon and oxygen polymer backbone with fluorines directly attached to carbon. Relatively little is known about these chemicals in the environment. Side-chain fluorinated polymers contain a nonfluorinated polymer backbone, off of which fluorinated side chains branch.
Are Fluoropolymers Really of Low Concern for Human and …
2020年10月12日 · Production of some fluoropolymers is intimately linked to the use and emissions of legacy and novel PFAS as polymer processing aids. There are serious concerns regarding the toxicity and adverse effects of fluorinated processing aids …
2021年9月8日 · PFAS are a family of thousands of synthetic organic chemicals that contain a chain of carbon-fluorine bonds, one of the strongest chemical bonds. Many PFAS are highly stable, water- and oil-resistant, and exhibit other properties that make them useful in a variety of consumer products and industrial processes. Owing to these
PFAS: forever chemicals—persistent, bioaccumulative and mobile ...
2023年3月23日 · Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are non-aromatic organic chemical compounds in which the hydrogen atoms have been either completely (perfluorinated) or largely (polyfluorinated) replaced by fluorine atoms.
Synthesis report on understanding Perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs
This report presents a synthesis of publicly available information on perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs), with the aim of elucidating the identities of PFPEs on the global market and analysing their life cycle.
【专家视角】澳大利亚昆士兰大学张承团队Nat. Commun.:创新聚合物吸附剂实现全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS…
2024年10月28日 · 实验结果表明,pfpe-iex+在垃圾填埋场渗滤液中展现了优异的去除效果,其去除率超过98%,特别是在处理短链pfas(如pfba和pfbs)方面,效果显著优于 ...
2024年10月2日 · 实验结果表明,pfpe-iex+在垃圾填埋场渗滤液中展现了优异的去除效果,其去除率超过98%,特别是在处理短链pfas(如pfba和pfbs)方面,效果显著优于 ...