[RELEASE] PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha - official thread
2025年3月19日 · The menu looks nice and clean and screenshot looks great with the scanline filter. I love retroarch but the menu system is far from ideal on a portable. Getting the ROMset now, thanks cpasjuste Edit: One very minor thing, I noticed the vpk isn't marked as safe. I hex edited the eboot.bin, changed 0x80 from 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F to 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F …
pFBA: final burn alpha | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video …
2025年3月15日 · A to select, B to disable all cheats, X to exit the menu. Overall - its a good Idea to use cheats and different difficulty modes sparsely - as it does impact how you will experience the game. Most games you'll be able to get through just fine, with unlimited continues - which pFBA provides out of the box.
[RELEASE] PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha - official thread
2025年3月19日 · I tried to add multiple paths for my arcade games, replacing the colecovision rompath for example, and when running PFBA, it thought that the games in the other folder were colecovision, showing games as colecovision.
[RELEASE] PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha - official thread
2025年3月19日 · Oh yeah, then there are games that require multiple joysticks. Crazy Climber 2 and Tutankham don't work properly with pFBA. Any way you can add support for these?
[RELEASE] PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha - official thread
2025年3月19日 · Can anyone recommend what's the last ideal pFBA release with 2012 core that works 100% in your experience? If the Genesis emulation also works (it was broken in the last i tried some time ago), then much better.
[RELEASE] PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha - official thread
2025年3月19日 · I just unzipped the pfba-4.4_vita.zip file again. Yes, there is a pfba.vpk file along with 3 folders and 13 .xml files. I will just use the vpk file to install the pfba 4.4. It was my oversight. Thanks for you reply.
pFBA: final burn alpha | Page 76 - GBAtemp.net
2025年3月15日 · I understand, I had to reinstall WSL2 Ubuntu to fix devkitpro dependencies and environment errors. But I realized that some things do not work with sudo and others need them due to lack of permission. pfba-4.4-rebuild-by-iman_switch The last commit to date from Pemu and FBNeo has been compiled. Includes my own NSP forwarder. I hope in the future Pemu …
[RELEASE] PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha - official thread
2024年12月20日 · It happened once under pfba-2017.01.24.vpk then again last night with pfba-2017.01.29.vpk. Both times it occurred after playing/exiting several games, sound works fine in the game I am playing, I then load another and there is no sound.
pFBA: final burn alpha | Page 52 - GBAtemp.net
2024年12月16日 · I finally updated my Switch to 9.0.1 and PFBA 3.4 works just fine, controls work perfectly for me. I have no clue why people are reporting that it doesn't...
[RELEASE] PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha - official thread
2025年3月19日 · Mmm i try to modify roms path in config,then save. Then when launch application roms path will reset to default!