NASA to Track Asteroid 2024 PT5 on Next Close Pass, January 2025
2024年10月2日 · Part of NASA’s Deep Space Network, the Goldstone Solar System Radar, near Barstow in California, will track the object during its next close pass of our planet, in January 2025, which will still be five times as far from Earth as the Moon. The asteroid will then leave the vicinity of Earth as it continues its orbit around the Sun.
Asteroid 2021 PG5 | Space Reference
2021 PG5 is a very small asteroid whose orbit crosses the orbit of Earth. NASA JPL has classified 2021 PG5 as a "Near Earth Asteroid" due to its orbit's proximity to Earth, but it is not considered potentially hazardous because computer simulations have not indicated any imminent likelihood of …
Catalog Page for PIA26452 - photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov
This animation depicts the motion of small near-Earth asteroid 2024 PT5 as it orbits the Sun. Because it has a similar orbit as our planet, the asteroid will linger as a distant companion for a few months, but it will not be captured by Earth's gravity.
SPASE Resource Description - heliophysicsdata.gsfc.nasa.gov
2023年1月1日 · PENGUIn-5, Antarctica, Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field Level 2 Data, 1.0 s Time Resolution, Station Code: (PG5), Station Location: (GEO Latitude -82.0, Longitude 5.7), Antarctic Network
{"links":{"self":"http://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/neo/54183799?api_key=Edz5U0rdyNOtbLINXjvxWvGwDE0jc2H0wDng3qMB"},"id":"54183799","neo_reference_id":"54183799","name":"(2021 PG5)","designation":"2021 PG5","nasa_jpl_url":"http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=54183799","absolute_magnitude_h":26.36,"estimated_diameter":{"kilometers":{"estimated ...
Accessor Prompt - heliophysicsdata.gsfc.nasa.gov
from:   to: Parameter name Parameter description thg_mag_pg5 Variation in Magnetic field B in HDZ vector components thg_magh_pg5 ---> H - Local magnetic North component of B thg_magd_pg5 ---> E - Local magnetic East component of B thg_magz_pg5 ---> Z - Local vertical down component of B
Asteroid 236775 (2007 PG5) | Space Reference
236775 (2007 PG5) is a mid-sized asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter in the main portion of the asteroid belt. NASA JPL has not classified 2007 PG5 as potentially hazardous because its orbit does not bring it close to Earth.
SPASE Resource Description - heliophysicsdata.gsfc.nasa.gov
These six stations, PG0 to PG5, which host low-power Fluxgate magnetometers, dual frequency GPS receivers, HF radio experiment, and run autonomously with solar power and two-way satellite communication, are designated at the geomagnetically conjugate (based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field) locations of the West Greenland ...
Propulsion system checkout consists of tank and feedline leak checks, relief and vent valve checks and tank purge and environmental checks. The External Tank Thermal Protection System is to maintain the primary structure and subsystem component within temperature limits during pre-launch and ascent phases.
NIKE PG3 NASA联名 保罗乔治三代 篮球鞋开箱 - 什么值得买
2019年1月25日 · PG3 × NASA灵感来源于美国国家航空航天局,橙色宇航服即视感。 鞋面采用醒目的亮橙色,前掌两侧“动态翅膀”护翼外侧蓝色,内侧红色,上面有快进或者快退的图案。