Mutations in the phosphoglucose isomerase gene can lead to …
The generation of ATP in a hamster fibroblast mutant devoid of the enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) has been studied and compared with that in the parental line, which is PGI+. Both cell lines could be maintained for 24 hr in hexose media devoid of L-glutamine. Under these conditions in mannose …
Mutations in the phosphoglucose isomerase gene can lead to …
The generation of ATP in a hamster fibroblast mutant devoid of the enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) has been studied and compared with that in the parental line, which is PGI+. Both cell lines...
Down-regulation of the hexose transport system: metabolic basis …
It is shown that inhibitors such as 2,4-dinitrophenol and malonate exert only slight inhibition of the pentose shunt yet release the glucose-mediated curb elicited by glucose and glucosamine in the parental PGI+ strain and also the glucose transport curb persisting in the PGI mutant.
Down-regulation of the hexose transport system: metabolic
Down-regulation ("curb") of hexose transport in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts has been studied in a metabolic mutant highly defective in phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI; glucosephosphate isomerase; D-glucose-6-phosphate ketol-isomerase, EC In the parental strain (PGI+) glucose as well as …
[2303.14186] TRAK: Attributing Model Behavior at Scale - arXiv.org
2023年3月24日 · The goal of data attribution is to trace model predictions back to training data. Despite a long line of work towards this goal, existing approaches to data attribution tend to force users to choose between computational tractability and efficacy. That is, computationally tractable methods can struggle with accurately attributing model predictions in …
Deletion of pgi alters tryptophan biosynthesis in a genetically ...
The effect of this genetic alteration on the conversion of glucose to tryptophan by strains optimized for the biosynthesis of this amino acid was determined by using 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in vivo. Pgi- strains converted glucose to tryptophan almost twice as efficiently as did their Pgi+ counterparts.
Uint8Array.fromBase64() - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs
2025年3月5日 · The Uint8Array.fromBase64() static method creates a new Uint8Array object from a base64-encoded string.. This method should be preferred over Window.atob() because it results in a byte array, which is easier to work with than a string containing raw bytes, unless your decoded binary data is actually intended to be ASCII text. If you already have an array buffer allocated and you want to ...
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满级排位号(PGI+女王护卫队+疯狂收割者M24) - 91CDKEY
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