PHD2 -RA and DEC Guide Speed and other things.
2021年7月5日 · I do use PHD2 with NINA to guide my Ioptron CEM70 mount with a 130mm refractor through a 60mm/240mmFL guide scope. I am quite new to astrophotography and wanting to learn bit by bit. So this evening I plan a PHD2 Guiding Assistance session. Should have done it earlier, maybe, but I am working bit by bit. And in these times of Terrabits, a bit as...
PHD2 settings suggestions for OAG - Cloudy Nights
2021年11月1日 · PHD2 settings suggestions for OAG - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Imaged the fish head last 29 Oct and 30 Oct, backyard. First time with new OAG and was having a tough time with it and PHD2 behaving badly. The issue was an all too frequent Star Lost due to low mass or mass change. I increased the guide camera exposure time and enlarged the green box which seemed to help a little. In ...
ZWO AM5 and PHD2 - guiding puzzles - Mounts - Cloudy Nights
2023年2月19日 · Page 1 of 3 - ZWO AM5 and PHD2 - guiding puzzles - posted in Mounts: There have been a lot of posts (including from me) on guiding for AM5 in the two other main threads, but were getting losts so i thought Id start a more focused thread. Having gotten through the intitial set of guide exposures, aggression etc, my current puzzle is that guiding when pointing East (West of …
Help Analyzing PHD2 Guide Log - Cloudy Nights
2022年5月5日 · Page 1 of 2 - Help Analyzing PHD2 Guide Log - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Last night I had a two hour imaging session. Today I was analyzing the guide log on phd logview and reading the tutorial on how to analyze the results. Ive attached the guide log (only log sections 2 and 4 are relevant with log section 2 showing the calibration results and log section 4 showing the guiding ...
PHD2 RMS value, what qualifies as "good" guiding?
2018年10月19日 · This is an excerpt from the PHD2 User Guide. You may want to read it "The major portion of the window shows the detailed displacements of the guide star for each guide exposure, plotted left-to-right. Normally, one line shows displacements in right ascension while the second line shows declination displacements.
PHD2 and Ascom Guide Speed - Cloudy Nights
2016年8月10日 · PHD2 and Ascom Guide Speed - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hi, Is there any recommendation about Ascom guiding speed (0.1, 0.3, 0.5 sideral speed) when using PHD2? The other night with my HEQ5 pro I had trouble with my RA and I was wondering if tweaking ascom guide speed would be of any help. In PHD2 on the 50 tick graph I had a DEC rms between 0.45 - 0.7 (polemaster) but RA rms was ...
Polar alignment, PHD2 and the guide scope - Cloudy Nights
2022年7月25日 · Page 1 of 2 - Polar alignment, PHD2 and the guide scope - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Is it true that if your guide scope is not perfectly centered with your imaging camera field, PHD2 will say your polar alignment is off and give you a bad polar alignment number? And if this is true will it hurt your guiding accuracy in PHD2. Lets say your guide scope is a full moon equivalent (30 ...
PHD2-Guide scope ratio-ALT/AZ mount - Cloudy Nights
2024年10月26日 · PHD2-Guide scope ratio-ALT/AZ mount - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: So, in an attempt to get PHD2 to guide my SW skyliner 300P, I went and bought a SVbony SV305 pro as my guide camera, and the SV165 30mm guide scope. Well, that was a bad decision, as that gave me a resolution ratio of 12.5:1, where my resolution for my 300P and Player One- Uranus C is at 0.4 /pixel, and the guide ratio ...
Recommended Low-cost Guide Camera for use with PHD2 ...
2020年6月25日 · Recommended Low-cost Guide Camera for use with PHD2 ... - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: What lower cost cameras are people having good luck with for guiding with PHD2? Id rather stay with ZWO or Altair but am open to just about anything as long as it is known to work well with PHD2. Im having no luck with my ZWO 120MM-S for unknown reasons and have been unable to find much help here or ...
Phd2 confused ZWO guide cam - Cloudy Nights
2024年1月8日 · Phd2 confused ZWO guide cam - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Im new to NINA and Phd2 but have had 6 or 7 successful nights with guiding and advanced sequences. Tonight when starting up NINA, Phd2 seemed to get confused between my main camera (ASI620MM) and the guide cam (ASI432mm), after I sorted it out in PHD2 and reconnected to the correct cam, it complained that the profile which I ...