Pharo - Call of Duty Wiki
The Pharo is generally regarded as one of the worst weapons to use in Black Ops III Zombies, sporting relatively low damage for an SMG, mediocre reserve ammo capacity, and a slow rate of fire. It remains a one burst kill to the head-up until round eight if all four bullets hit the head.
Pharo - Call of Duty: Black Ops III Guide - IGN
2015年11月18日 · The Pharo is a 4-round burst SMG in Black Ops III. The burst fire in this weapon will auto cycle, meaning the trigger can be held down for consecutive bursts. This weapon has slight recoil with...
Pharo - Black Ops 3 Wiki
The Pharo is the only Submachine gun in Black Ops 3 that is a burst fire weapon. If all shots land, you can get a 1 burst kill but if any miss then you can hold down the fire button and it will fire more rounds. The Pharo is not good for headshot in Core, it …
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - Pharo
Four-round auto-burst SMG with moderate damage and accuracy. Unlocked at Rank 31. Precision red dot sight. Enhanced zoom sight. Magnification Optic. Biometric Object Analyser. Emitted Light Optic. Aim down the sight faster. No radar signature when firing. Reduced recoil when aiming down the sight. Move faster while aiming down the sight.
Pharo - Nazi Zombies Wiki
The Pharo is a Sub-Machine Gun in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. This weapon can be bought as a Wall Weapon for 700 points in Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations, and as a Mystery Box...
Pharo users, what are the best attachments for this beast?
Long Barrel increases the range of your minimum damage from afar. Normally, up close it'll only take 3-4 shots to kill someone. And the further you are, it may take 5-6 shots. So adding the Long...
Zombies Weapon Kit Leveling Info - NextGenUpdate
2015年12月4日 · Recommend Playing on The Giant with Perkoholic, You can get Deadshot Daiquiri perk and get easy headshots. Levels you and your gun faster. Last edited by SeeNoKey ; 12-04-2015 at 04:45 PM. My deadliest weapon is the KN. The bowie knife maxes out at level 10.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - Submachine Guns
Four-round auto-burst SMG with moderate damage and accuracy. Ideal mid-range SMG with the best accuracy in its class. SHARE THIS INTEL!
Call Of Duty BO3: Top 5 Subfusiles B03 - Blogger
Pharo: La Pharo es un arma que revienta a corta distancia como todos los subfusiles pero lo que la hace especial es que es un arma de rafagas y al ser un arma de rafagas hay una posibilidad de en un enfrentamiento cara a cara le pegues una ultima rafaga y matarlo antes de el a ti.
使命召唤12:黑色行动3 暗物质皮肤解锁图文攻略_3DM单机
2015年12月31日 · 今天给大家带来《使命召唤12:黑色行动3》暗物质皮肤解锁攻略及COD12全武器刷枪心得。 首先我想说BO3这代刷武器皮肤比起GHOSTS和AW来讲,甚至包括BO2来讲,算是非常非常简单的了! 因为这代刷枪只存在你用的惯用不惯而已,GHOSTS的侧身滑铲,包括AW里面的喷射后的,什么敌人跳你不跳的,你跳敌人不跳的,敌人跳你也跳的皮肤真是难倒了一群人! 所以只要大家慢慢打,总会有全武器钻石的一天! 我算是先让大家一睹为快各把武器的暗物 …
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