What exactly is a phasor? - Physics Stack Exchange
2016年9月19日 · A phasor is a complex number, representing a sinusoidal function whose amplitude (A), angular frequency (ω), and initial phase (θ) are time-invariant. Image and text from Phasors Wikipedia Assume you have a network composed of multiple sinusoids (waves).
Phasor Notation Convention - Which Projection to Consider?
2020年5月19日 · A phasor is a rotating vector. If, at time t it makes angle $(\omega t + \phi)$ with the x axis, its projection (for a phasor of unit magnitude) on to x axis is, by definition, $\cos(\omega t + \phi)$, and its projection on to y axis is $\sin(\omega t + \phi)$. Which of these we choose to represent a sinusoidal displacement, voltage or whatever ...
Kirchhoff's laws in phasor domain - Physics Stack Exchange
2016年4月20日 · When we turn this time-signal into a phasor, I'm calling that process a phasor transform. 'Time-signals' in the time-domain, with corresponding phasor signals in the phasor-domain. I highly recommend getting a text on Linear Circuits. If you know some calculus you should be able to handle it fine.
Phasor form of Maxwell's Equations - Physics Stack Exchange
I'm interested in the transformation from the standard Maxwell's equations to their phasor equivalents. From the literature, this means injecting: \begin{equation} E = Re(\boldsymbol{E}e^{j\omega t}) \end{equation}
homework and exercises - Finding frequency from phasor in EM …
2018年10月12日 · The general form of a phasor discribing a plane wave (spherical, cylindrical or Cartesian) travelling in the direction $\hat n$ is $$ \vec E_p=\vec E_0(x,y,z) e^{-jk\hat n\cdot \vec r} $$ where $\vec E_0(x,y,z)\cdot\hat n=0$. The amplitude need not be constant: in the case of a spherical wave it would go like $1/r$ for $\hat n=\hat r$ for instance
Where is the Phasor Form of Maxwells Equations used?
2023年4月13日 · They seem only to be functions of frequency, which from scattered research I gather is helpful in analyzing fields that only vary based on sinusoidal expressions with respect to time, What is the added intuition and/or computational value of the phasor form vs. the differential and integral forms (Ex: specific applications like in circuit ...
Voltages phasors in AC circuit - Physics Stack Exchange
2019年3月9日 · The following involves phasor notation, which is in the frequency domain. You need to add ac voltages vectorially for RC and LC circuits because the voltage and currents in inductors and capacitors are 90 degrees out of phase with each other, whereas the voltage and current are in phase for a resistor.
Why do phasors add like vectors? - Physics Stack Exchange
2018年2月5日 · A phasor is actually a complex number, which is isomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^2$, and that's a well known vector space: the usual arrows. Translation: a phasor is a complex number, and you add complex numbers in the same way you do with vectors.
Description of phasor form of Maxwell's equations in linear media
2022年2月23日 · The phasor representation accounts for this phase shift by the complex form of $\epsilon$ and $\mu$. $\epsilon$ is the complex permittivity of the medium, and $\mu$ is the complex permeability of the medium. I don't understand this part:
electric circuits - Need help understanding KVL in Phasor Notation ...
2019年3月28日 · The remanding terms are by definition in phasor notation so I substituted the appropriate variable to show that it is a phasor. Now I don't understand why they removed the real part operator since we can have phasors that add up to having a real part that is zero but have an imaginary component that may be non zero.