Lmless marrow cells are made available presumably to repair an essential antigen-trapping apparatus disrupted by the irradiation. Another interpretation is that thymus lymphocytes lack...
Hemoglobin Hammersmith [beta 42(CD1) Phe - PubMed
DNA sequence analysis of the polymerase chain reaction-amplified beta-globin gene revealed a point mutation (T --> C) in the second nucleotide of the 42nd codon of the beta-globin chain …
Hemoglobin Variants: Biochemical Properties and Clinical Correlates
The distal Arg E7 (red) is oriented toward the CD corner, disturbing the position of Phe CD1 and Phe CD4 (orange). The heme pocket entrance is much wider allowing increased access to …
Hemoglobin Hammersmith [β 42(CD1) Phe → Ser] causing severe …
2005年8月2日 · Hemoglobin Hammersmith, a rare, unstable hemoglobin variant, was diagnosed in a 9-year-old Japanese girl. She presented with the typical manifestations of this disorder, …
A Phylogenetic and Structural Analysis of Truncated Hemoglobins
2006年2月10日 · Phe CD1 occurs in conjunction with a H-bond donor at the E11 position (Gln or Ser), whereas His CD1 is accompanied by a hydrophobic residue (Leu or Phe). This analysis …
Non-functional conserved residues in globins and their …
1999年8月20日 · Among the hydrophobic heme-binding residues one (Phe CD1) is identical in all sequences, while another, FG5, is aliphatic in ⩾95% sequences in each subfamily. In contrast, …
Functional properties of hemoglobin Hammersmith (*)
1973年4月16日 · L'Hémoglobine Hammersmith β 42 (CD 1) Phe → Ser est une hémoglobine instable à affinité pour l'oxygène diminuée. Des études faites sur des globules rouges intacts …
Hemoglobin Louisville (β42 (CD1) Phe→Leu): an unstable variant …
The structural abnormality was identified as a replacement of phenylalanyl residue in position 42 (CD1) by a leucyl residue. Substitution of this phenylalanyl residue, which participates in the …
Hemoglobin Warsaw (Phe beta 42(CD1)----Val), an unstable
1990年1月5日 · In Hb Warsaw Val replaces the Phe normally present at the heme contact position beta 42 (CD1). This variant is unstable, and it readily undergoes methemoglobin …
Hb Bruxelles, Deletion of Phe β42 , Shows a Low Oxygen Affinity …
1996年10月18日 · Functional studies of partially purified hemoglobin (Hb) Bruxelles, Phe β42 (CD1) → 0 indicate a major shift in the allosteric equilibrium toward the deoxy (T state) …