PHEW中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
PHEW翻译:(表示松一口气、疲倦或觉得热)啊! 唷! 唉! 了解更多。
PHEW Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PHEW is —used to express relief or fatigue. How to use phew in a sentence.
phew是什么意思_phew的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线 …
Phew, I'm pooped, said Aaron. “唉, 我筋疲力竭了.”亚伦说. What we smell with cork taint is mould , smelly socks cabbage or a wet hessian bag - phew! 我们闻到的是污染瓶塞的发霉味道, 卷心菜的味道,或湿麻袋的味道烦人! Phew! " OK, so, how do I do this miraculous process? " I asked. " Where do I begin? 啊! “ 好, 所以, 我如何做这个不可思议的过程? ” 我问道. “ 我从哪里开始? Phew!
PHEW中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary
PHEW翻譯:(表示鬆一口氣、疲倦或覺得熱)啊! 唷! 唉! 了解更多。
PHEW在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
PHEW的意思、解释及翻译:1. used when you are happy that something difficult or dangerous has finished or is not going to…。了解更多。
PHEW 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online Dictionary
PHEW 释义: an exclamation of relief , surprise , disbelief , weariness, etc | 意思、发音、翻译及示例
What Does Phew Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More - FluentSlang
2023年9月20日 · The term phew is an onomatopoeia commonly used to express a sense of relief in various situations. It is often used in conversations to convey relief or signify the resolution of a stressful or difficult situation.
phew - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年2月4日 · Attested since the early 17th century. An onomatopoeia for rapid exhalation, as one may make when a trying situation is over, or in order to get rid of an unpleasant odour. Compare Scots feuch, Spanish fu, Czech fuj, and many more such forms. phew. Used to express relief of tension, fatigue, or surprise. Phew, that took a long time to cook!
phew exclamation - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Definition of phew exclamation from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. a sound that people make to show that they are hot, tired, or happy that something bad has finished or did not happen. Phew, it's hot in here! Phew, I'm glad that's all over. The Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus explains the difference between groups of similar words.
Phew Phew Games - Anomaly Agent & Anomaly President
Welcome to Phew Phew Games! We are an independent game development studio based in Türkiye, dedicated to creating engaging action games. Our debut title, Anomaly Agent, is a cyberpunk action-platformer featuring fluid combat, a time-bending story, quirky characters, and a catchy synthwave soundtrack.