Stage 1 stage 2 and stage 3 tuning stages explained - TorqueCars
We look at the benefits and implications of stage 1,2 and 3 tuning mods and help to explain what these tuning stages actually mean.
How to make a 10 second car | TorqueCars Car Forums
2011年5月27日 · What would the requirements be for a drag car that can put in a sub 10 second quarter mile run. I guess there is a minimum power to weight ratio but what about tyres, transmission and other components? How big a deal is it to build a 10 second drag car? How would you make a 10 second drag car?
Stock boost pressure question | TorqueCars Car Forums
2018年11月18日 · Hey all does anyone know, or can point me to a source where I can find out what boost pressures my Golf V 1.4 tsi 140hp should be running stock? cheers, Darren.
Technical forum | TorqueCars Car Forums
2024年11月2日 · For all your general technical questions and discussions. Please also see the makes and models forums for archives of useful threads.
Car Tuning & Modified Cars: How to... guides
Ultimate FREE online tuning Guide + Car Modification Mag. TorqueCars provide cutting edge tuning, tips and have one of the friendliest online car forums around with our Torque Cars gallery of customized cars.
Pontiac forums | TorqueCars Car Forums
2008年10月2日 · Welcome to our Pontiac forums, an owners club for all Pontiac owners to meet and swap tuning tips/ideas and talk about Pontiac faults and issues.
CRZ Forums | TorqueCars Car Forums
2015年1月14日 · A new forum dedicated to the Honda CRZ. Use our CRZ forums to discuss tuning, maintainance and problems with other CRZ owners.
2 Tone escort bad boy bonnet | TorqueCars Car Forums
2008年5月1日 · This ford escort has a 2 tone paint job with nicely contrasting blue and white layers separated by*a black coachline. The car is fitted with Hydraulic suspension and a full bodykit allowing the wheels to properly fill the arches in show positioning.*The car is kept in concourse condition and the...
SAAB Forums | TorqueCars Car Forums
2015年2月5日 · Saab forums for all models of SAAB owners to meet and swap tips and tuning tips and discuss problems and faults.
8 series | TorqueCars Car Forums
2010年2月15日 · A forum for 8 series owners to discuss tuning, styling and all things related to owning a BMW 8 series.