生命之泉 | 顶端弯钩中生长素的极性运输 - 知乎
PIN3的分布【4】 与PIN3相似, PIN4-GFP 在顶端弯钩也是非对称分布,在弯钩凸面比凹面分布多。 在同一细胞中,PIN4-GFP在基部一侧的细胞膜和表皮一侧的细胞膜分布较多。 另外,PIN4-GFP信号在皮层比表皮分布强,说明PIN4主要在皮层组织中向外侧和基部运输生长素。
Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in ...
2023年9月4日 · In contrast, PIN4:GFP and PIN7:GFP are undetectable in emerging lateral roots (stages I and II), with PIN7 expression in the columella becoming apparent in stage III and PIN4 detected in the...
The PIN auxin efflux facilitator network controls growth and
2005年1月6日 · PIN4 is detected around the quiescent centre and cells surrounding it, and localizes basally in provascular cells 8 (Fig. 1k). PIN7 resides at lateral and basal membranes of provascular cells in...
Functional redundancy of PIN proteins is accompanied by auxin …
2005年10月15日 · To address the post-transcriptional effects of auxin on the abundance of PIN proteins, we utilized GUS and GFP translation fusions with PIN1, PIN2, PIN4 and PIN7.
Differential Auxin-Transporting Activities of PIN-FORMED …
2010年5月3日 · Root-hair-specific overexpression of the long-looped PINs (PIN1–PIN4 and PIN7; ProE7: PIN-GFP [PINox]) greatly inhibited root hair growth (Fig. 1, B and C; Supplemental Fig. S2), suggesting that these PINs facilitate auxin efflux and consequently decrease internal auxin levels in the hair cell.
Osmotic stress represses root growth by modulating the …
2021年8月22日 · In transgenic plants expressing PIN-GFP fusion constructs, PIN1 and PIN4 transcript abundance decreased under osmotic stress, with associated reductions in PIN1-GFP and PIN4-GFP fluorescence (Rowe et al., 2016). However, how changes in PIN expression arise during these responses remains largely unknown (Naser & Shani, 2016; Korver et al., 2018).
Auxin efflux controls orderly nucellar degeneration and expansion …
2020年12月18日 · We found that distal maternal auxin is transported into the nucellus by the auxin efflux carrier PIN1, and that auxin is further distributed in the nucellus surrounding the FG by PIN3, PIN4 and PIN7 to establish the order of nucellar degeneration, and to allow for expansion of the FG central vacuole.
Flavonol‐mediated stabilization of PIN efflux complexes …
2020年11月13日 · In this report, we investigate the relationship between NPA and the PIN proteins, showing that (i) NPA directly inhibits PIN1‐mediated cellular auxin efflux, (ii) the functional core of the PIN protein complex contains only trace amounts of ABCB proteins, but (iii) comprises a PIN dimer which is stabilized by both NPA and flavonols, and (iv) thi...
AtPIN4 Mediates Sink-Driven Auxin Gradients and Root Patterning …
2002年3月8日 · We propose a role for AtPIN4 in generating a sink for auxin below the quiescent center of the root meristem that is essential for auxin distribution and patterning.
科学网—生命之泉 | 顶端弯钩中生长素的极性运输 - 曹务强的博文
2020年5月18日 · PIN3的分布【4】 与PIN3相似,PIN4-GFP在顶端弯钩也是非对称分布,在弯钩凸面比凹面分布多。 在同一细胞中,PIN4-GFP在基部一侧的细胞膜和表皮一侧的细胞膜分布较多。 另外,PIN4-GFP信号在皮层比表皮分布强,说明PIN4主要在皮层组织中向外侧和基部运输生长 …