windows - Ping every IP address in a text file? - Super User
2013年4月29日 · 0 I created a ping tool that uses a config file for setting which ip's to ping and creates up to 12 cmd windows and places them side-by-side on your screen. Each window …
PowerShell: Export Ping Results to CSV - Super User
To begin with you'll use the PowerShell native command [Test-Connection][1]. This is the PS version of the legacy ping.exe, and it is native PS and so has all the cool object features and …
How can I ping a range of IP addresses simultaneously
I have a bunch of machines on an IP address range which I want to ping simultaneously as a quick and dirty way of telling which ones are switched on. What (free) software can I use to do …
`cmd.exe` command to ping a range of addresses - Super User
2014年3月15日 · How can I ping a range of addresses starting with A and ending with B?
networking - Why doesn't "ping -j" work? - Super User
2015年6月6日 · Why doesn't ping -j work? Loose Source Routing, specified using ping -j, tracert -j or pathping -g, can be used to specify a system through which the packets should pass …
Is it possible to use a batch file to ping multiple IP addresses, each ...
You can ping multiple IP addresses this way: for /L %z in (1,1,254) do @ping 192.168.%z -w 10 -n 1 | find "Reply" Change the IP address after the ping command to reflect your networks IP …
Ping a list of IPs with strings of names listed in a txt file and must ...
I want to ping a list of IPs with a string of text entered next to it. The text will be multiple words and have numbers. The IPs all start with 10.x.x.x. This is a script that I was looking into...
How can I ping a list of domain names and returning the IP …
2020年12月2日 · PING domainb.com ( 56 data bytes I've tried using fping with a combination of flags such as -A and -d, but I only seem to be able to get either the IP or the …
windows - How can I perform a ping every X minutes and check …
2011年10月11日 · I needed to measure how stable my internet connection was, and didn't want to ping every second. So I wrote this batch file to keep track of the ping stats, while waiting …
Ping ip address and save result to txt file. - Super User
2018年10月1日 · I am trying to open a list of ip address and ping them and then save the responce to a TXT file. The ping loops through and runs with out a problem and reports …