Walther P88 - Wikipedia
The Walther P88 is a semiautomatic pistol developed by German company Walther. Its main feature is a double-stacked magazine designed for military and law enforcement use. The P88 was succeeded by the Walther P99 in 1997. [3] The Walther P88 was mainly designed as a sidearm for military and law enforcement use. [4] .
德国瓦尔特P-88式9mm手枪 - 百度百科
瓦尔特P-88式9mm手枪结构不同于早期的 瓦尔特手枪系列 ,采用了柯尔特- 勃朗宁手枪 闭锁机构原理。闭锁时,连接铰链使枪管后部的两条闭锁凸筋锁在套筒内壁的凹槽内,开锁时,借助枪管下方的铰链主动杆驱动其尾部向下开锁。
Pistol 88 - Försvarsmakten
Pistol 88 kännetecknas av att den är lätt att hantera och har en hög användar- och funktionssäkerhet. Utvecklad och tillverkad av Glock i Österrike har den snabbt blivit en av de mest köpta tjänstepistolerna i världen.
格洛克17手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
格洛克17 (英語: GLOCK 17)是由 奥地利 槍械製造商 格洛克 公司所設計及生產的第一款 半自動手槍,發射 9×19毫米帕拉貝倫 口徑 手枪 子彈,標準彈匣為17發。 格洛克17在1980年設計,是為了回應奧地利陸軍取代 瓦爾特P38手槍 的需求而製造的。 1983年,該槍成為奧地利陸軍的制式手槍,被命名為 P80 (Pistole 80)。 [4] 格洛克17是目前全球執法單位最廣泛使用的手槍之一,而使用量最多的單位是 菲律賓國家警察。 除了軍警單位外,格洛克17在平民百姓、保安人 …
Walther P88 For Sale $261.86, Review, Price - In Stock
The Walther P88 is a semiautomatic pistol developed by German company Walther. Its main feature is a high-capacity double-stacked magazine designed for military and law enforcement use. The P88 was succeeded by the Walther P99 in 1997.
Walther CP88 Review | Blog | Pyramyd AIR
2016年12月17日 · The Umarex Walther CP88 is a true competition derived pistol design based on the 9mm P88 Champion model, which used a 6-inch competition barrel and single action trigger. There’s an old belief that if you do things right the first time you don’t have to do them over again.
88式狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
88式狙擊步槍 (QBU-88)是由 中国北方工业公司 研製的 狙擊步槍,為目前 中國人民解放軍 的制式狙擊步槍之一。 88式是中華人民共和國自主開發的狙擊步槍,以西方標準歸類為 特等射手步槍 (Designated Marksman Rifle; DMR),結構為短行程氣動式活塞運作。 該槍的出現是為了取代由在 中越戰爭 中從 越南人民軍 繳獲的 SVD狙擊步槍 所仿製而成的79式/85式狙擊步槍。 88式全重4.2公斤,全長920毫米,瞄准基綫長394毫米,10發 彈匣,装配的白光瞄準鏡重650克,最大 …
Walther P88 for sale $239.61 - In stock - firearms.deals
The Walther P88 is a semiautomatic pistol developed by German company Walther. Its main feature is a high-capacity double-stacked magazine designed for military and law enforcement use. The P88 was succeeded by the Walther P99 in 1997.
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Walther P88 - Modern Firearms
The P88 is a recoil operated, locked brech semi-automatic pistol. It differs from previous Walther pistols, such as P38/P1, P5 in fact that it uses conventional Browning style locking with barrel lowered by shaped cam trach in the barrel extension under the chamber.
WALTHER Products- Walther Master Manufacture Pistols
The P 88 was designed for the world police market and is the finest 9mm handgun ever produced. The P 88 is insensitive to variations in ammunition. Its the only Walther made that is completely ambidextrous. Its double action and integral safeties combined with a high capacity magazine make it superior to everything previously made. P88 ...