The induction of H3K9 methylation by PIWIL4 at the p16
2007年8月3日 · Moreover, the PIWI-like family localized to the nuclear periphery, and the transient transfection of PIWIL4 induced H3K9 methylation at the p16 Ink4a (CDKN2A) locus, resulting in downregulated p16 Ink4a gene expression. These results suggest PIWIL4 plays important roles in the chromatin-modifying pathway in human somatic cells. Quantitative RT-PCR.
PIWI proteins and PIWI-interacting RNAs in the soma - Nature
2014年1月15日 · Through an unknown mechanism, a critical mass of the H3K9 repressive chromatin marks inhibits Pol II transcription, effectively silencing the Piwi–piRNA target. b, In euchromatin, Piwi...
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Abstract: piRNAs are a germline specific class of small non-coding RNAs. They associate with PIWI proteins which belong to a family of Agonaute proteins. piRNA and PIWI proteins form piRNA-induced silencing complexes (piRISC), and function in …
The control of gene expression and cell identity by H3K9 …
In the nucleus, piRNA-loaded Piwi proteins recognize nascent transcripts of active TEs and induce local H3K9 trimethylation and co-transactional silencing (Klenov et al., 2011; LeThomas et al., 2013; Rozhkov et al., 2013; Sienski et al., 2012). SetDB1/Eggless depletion leads to H3K9me3 loss from TE targets and loss of piRNAs (Rangan et al., 2011).
PIWI-mediated control of tissue-specific transposons is essential …
Methylation of H3K9 is part of the silencing mechanism in both systems, and our findings now indicate further conservation of this aspect of PIWI-mediated regulation in planarians.
The induction of H3K9 methylation by PIWIL4 at the p16Ink4a locus
2007年8月3日 · Transient transfection of PIWI-like 4 (PIWIL4), only member of the PIWI-like family that was ubiquitously expressed in human tissues, induced histone H3 lysine 9 methylation at the p16 (Ink4a) (CDKN2A) locus. The elevated level of histone methylation resulted in the downregulation of the p16 (Ink4a) gene.
The induction of H3K9 methylation by PIWIL4 at the p16Ink4a …
2007年9月1日 · Transient transfection of PIWI-like 4 (PIWIL4), only member of the PIWI-like family that was ubiquitously expressed in human tissues, induced histone H3 lysine 9 methylation at the p16 (Ink4a)...
The induction of H3K9 methylation by PIWIL4 at the p16 {sup …
2007年8月3日 · Transient transfection of PIWI-like 4 (PIWIL4), only member of the PIWI-like family that was ubiquitously expressed in human tissues, induced histone H3 lysine 9 methylation at the p16 {sup Ink4a} (CDKN2A) locus.
The chromatin binding of Piwi overlaps H3K9 methylation
It was revealed that PIWI also binds to the Heterochromatin Protein 1A (HP1A) and is responsible for the methylation of H3K9 at numerous genomic sites in somatic cells, which suggests that...
Piwi Is Required during - Cell Press
2017年5月4日 · Piwi embryonic expression is needed for dual-strand piRNA cluster identity establishment that is required, in ovaries, for cluster H3K9 trimethylation (and Rhino binding), piRNA production, transposon repression, and female fertility. Cluster identity is then maintained in a Piwi-independent manner.