蛋白激酶 Ciota(PRKCI)基因 - MCE
该基因编码丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶蛋白激酶 C (PKC) 家族的成员。 PKC 家族至少包含 8 个成员,它们表达差异,参与多种细胞过程。 这种蛋白激酶是钙非依赖性和磷脂依赖性的。 它不会被佛波酯或甘油二酯激活。 这种激酶可以通过与小 GTPase RAB2 的直接相互作用被募集到囊泡管状簇 (VTC) ,其中这种激酶磷酸化甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶 (GAPD/GAPDH) ,并在早期分泌途径的微管动力学中发挥作用。 发现该激酶对于 BCL-ABL 介导的对药物诱导的细胞凋亡的抗性是必需的, …
PRKCI Gene - GeneCards | KPCI Protein | KPCI Antibody
2024年12月25日 · Calcium- and diacylglycerol-independent serine/ threonine-protein kinase that plays a general protective role against apoptotic stimuli, is involved in NF-kappa-B activation, cell survival, differentiation and polarity, and contributes to the regulation of microtubule dynamics in the early secretory pathway.
蛋白激酶C - 百度百科
蛋白激酶C是 G蛋白偶联受体 系统中的 效应物, 在非活性状态下是 水溶性 的,游离存在于 胞质溶胶 中,激活后成为膜结合的酶。 蛋白激酶C的激活是脂 依赖性 的,需要膜脂 DAG 的存在,同时又是Ca2+依赖性的,需要胞质溶胶中Ca2+浓度的升高。 当DAG在 质膜 中出现时, 胞质溶胶 中的蛋白激酶C被结合到质膜上,然后在Ca2+的作用下被激活。 同 蛋白激酶A 一样,蛋白激酶C属于多功能 丝氨酸 和 苏氨酸 激酶。 PKC通过其他蛋白上丝氨酸和苏氨酸氨基酸残基的羟基磷酸化 …
Effect of protein kinase C inhibitor (PKCI) on radiation sensitivity ...
2001年2月1日 · Here we have studied the effect of PKC inhibitor (PKCI) on radiation sensitivity and c-fos transcription in normal and AT cells, and also studied whether PKCI effect on c-fos occurs in Ras-dependent pathway.
5584 - Gene ResultPRKCI protein kinase C iota [ (human)]
Data have identified protein kinase C (PKC)l/i as a tumor suppressor in advanced prostate cancer (PCa), whose loss promotes a metabolic reprogramming that prostate cancer cells exploit to sustain their increased proliferation and epigenetic needs, thus favoring cancer cell plasticity and neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC) differentiation.
Distribution and expression of protein kinase C interactive protein ...
Protein kinase C interactive protein (PKCI; also known as histidine triad protein, HINT1) is a small intracellular protein widely expressed in tissues from both the peripheral and CNS. Although the structure of this protein is well characterized, the functional aspect and cellular distribution of th …
PKC 通路 | Cell Signaling Technology
蛋白激酶 C (PKC) 家族成员调控大量的细胞反应,包括基因表达、蛋白分泌、细胞增殖和炎性反应。 其基本的蛋白结构包括一个 N 端调节区,该调节区由一个铰链区连接至 C 端激酶区域。 PKC 酶含有一个自行抑制的假性底物区域,该区域可与催化区序列结合以抑制激酶活性。 各种 PKC 调节区的差异使其可结合各种不同的第二信使,这也是 PKC 家族分配至 3 大组别中的依据。 传统的 PKC 酶(cPKC;PKCα、PKCβ 和 PKCγ 亚型)含有功能性 C1 和 C2 调节区域;cPKC 酶的 …
Unravelling the role of PRKCI and key-cancer related genes
1 天前 · The role of PKCI in cell cycle regulation may account for the fact that its overexpression leads to highly invasive forms of breast cancer. SOC3 is involved in the regulation of JAK/STAT pathway while AKT is involved in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, both of which play a role in regulating inflammation in the body.
Effect of protein kinase C inhibitor (PKCI) on radiation sensitivity ...
2001年2月1日 · Here we have studied the effect of PKC inhibitor (PKCI) on radiation sensitivity and c-fos transcription in normal and AT cells, and also studied whether PKCI effect on c- fos occurs in Ras-dependent pathway.
PRKCI protein kinase C iota - NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR)
2023年11月5日 · PKCι Is a Promising Prognosis Biomarker and Therapeutic Target for Pancreatic Cancer. Abdelatty A, Fang D, Wei G, Wu F, Zhang C, Xu H, Yao C, Wang Y, Xia HAbdelatty A, et al. Pathobiology, 2022. PMID 35785767. The interruption of atypical PKC signaling and Temozolomide combination therapy against glioblastoma.