Russian PTKM-1R Top-attack Anti-vehicle Mine Documented in …
2022年4月27日 · The PTKM-1R is a high-explosive (HE), top-attack, shaped-charge, anti-vehicle landmine. The PTKM-1R system functions by detecting and tracking a target. Once a target …
The PTKM-1R: Russia's most advanced anti-tank mine explained
2022年12月7日 · PTKM-1R is an advanced munition that works by penetrating the thinner top armour of a tank or armoured vehicle. This munition has been previously unseen in Ukraine …
PTKM-1R: Russia’s Most Advanced Anti-Tank Mine
2022年9月18日 · The PTKM-1R is a top-attack anti-tank/anti-vehicle mine which is designed to detect the passage of target vehicles using acoustic and seismic sensors. The launching …
PK machine gun - Wikipedia
Designed in the Soviet Union and currently in production in Russia, [1] the original PK machine gun was introduced in 1961 and the improved PKM variant was introduced in 1969. The PKM …
Russia completes design of PTKM-1R top-attack anti tank mine
2018年1月17日 · Sensitive electronic sensors allow the smart mine to independently track a hostile tank and hit it with a special sub-munition from the most vulnerable side - the top. …
The PTKM-1R: Russia's most advanced anti-tank mine explained
2022年12月7日 · Russia's most advanced anti-tank mine, the PKTM-1R is a high-explosive, top attack mine. The previously unseen munition has begun to appear in Ukraine. The mine was …
PKT\PKTM坦克机枪 - 百度百科
PKT(Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankoviy,俄文ПКТ)是PK的车载型,由于苏联军队要统一轻武器,郭留诺夫SGMT 坦克机枪 也在1962年由PKT机枪所代替。 不过卡拉斯尼柯夫为此做了一些 …
proposal pktm 1 - Blogger
PKTM I menekankan pada dua aspek proses, yaitu pertama, pemahaman dan pengamalan Islam secara riil dan kedua, pengenalan diri. Maksud pemahaman dan pengamalan Islam secara riil …
PKTM 1 (Pelatihan Kader Taruna Melati I) - ipmmuallimaat.com
2015年3月22日 · Pelatihan Kader Taruna Melati 1 , PKTM 1 adalah Program kerja dari bidang Perkaderan . PKTM ini diberikan untuk angkatan 91 dan 93 .
Silabus Materi ke-Organisasi-an dan Kepemimpinan Pelatihan Kader Taruna Melati I PR Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sumedang Tahun 2018 Materi NO 1