Getting Started with Planning JWST Observations
2024年8月1日 · The Methods and Roadmaps section summarizes JWST observing capabilities and provides step-by-step observing guides. You can also compare and contrast the unique observing modes of each instrument . Familiarize yourself with the documentation for your chosen instrument mode, paying particular attention to things such as:
JWST Guidelines and Checklist for Proposal Preparation
2024年10月16日 · 1) Review the JWST Proposal Workflow. The top level JWST Proposal Workflow provides a high-level overview of the proposal process, with links to relevant documentation and tools. The present table provides a more detailed checklist for the preparation of the proposal itself.
2006年3月2日 · JWST Systems Engineering is involved in all phases of the JWST Project including, but not limited to the following: Plan, JWST-PLAN-000872. Within this element, the requirements of a performance and quality assurance program for …
JWST Mission Requirements Document JWST-RQMT-000634 Revision P 1-1 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 PURPOSE This Mission Requirements Document establishes the mission requirements for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). It allocates …
JWST minimum mission life is 5 years with a goal to operate beyond 10 years. The EEE parts selection was Level 1 EEE Parts per the EEE-INST-002 Instructions for EEE Parts Selection, Screening, Qualification, and Derating. Level 1 parts are selected and processed for missions requiring the “highest reliability and lowest level of risk.”
Schedule for Cycle 1 Science Operations Released | STScI
The JWST Long Range Plan lays out all the planned visits for a complete Cycle, including General Observer, Guaranteed Time, Early Release Science, and Calibration programs. Cycle 1 consists of more than 11,000 hours of approved time.
2007年10月31日 · This document is a James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Project Configuration Management (CM)- controlled document. Changes to this document require prior approval of the applicable CCB
l JWST commissioning plan is result of ~15 years of preparation l By necessity, it involves all components of the observatory ¡ Spacecraft, OTE, science instruments, guiders, ISIM engineering l Our skill in operations will be a key to success ¡ Interactions with OTE & SI teams, PPS and command controllers ¡ We must be adaptable to problems ...
Observing with JWST - JWST User Documentation - Space …
Please see the Program Information page for latest plan windows and observation status. You may also subscribe to be notified in MAST when data products are archived. Observations are generally scheduled according to visibility.
Observing Schedules - STScI
2022年7月8日 · JWST science observations are nominally scheduled in weekly increments. Planned schedules will be posted as they are made available. Since the schedules do not take into account unforeseen events, including some target of opportunity observations, it is possible that the actual executed observations will differ from those planned.