Welcome to PLET
Since 2008, PLET has trained over 150,000 military, federal, state, local, and tribunal police officers in nearly every state in the United States and several Canadian provinces with exceptional reviews.
About Us - pletraining.com
Since its inception, PLET has established a very diverse training curriculum taught by instructors with extensive experience. PLET instructors are carefully vetted to ensure they have subject matter expertise, dynamic presentation styles, and are passionate about their course material.
Courses - pletraining.com
COURSE LIST VIEW Explore our courses to find the training you need.. ONLINE TRAINING Online training at your fingertips, Live Interactive & On-Demand Webinars are available to meet your training needs.
Schedule & Registration - pletraining.com
Date - 2025 Location Details; Mar 04-05: Annville, PA: NCTC Tuition Free: Mar 10-11: Metairie, LA: Private: Mar 18-19: Norcross, GA: NCTC Tuition Free: Apr 08-09: Mt ...
Welcome to PLET Online
Welcome to PLET Online. Professional law enforcement training at your fingertips View Available Courses. Benefits of our training program . ENGAGING CONTENT. Highly interactive training and methods for real-world application DYNAMIC INSTRUCTORS.
NCTC - pletraining.com
Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) has partnered with the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center (NCTC) to offer tuition free training to law enforcement officers across the country.
Professional Law Enforcement Training (PLET) has partnered with the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program (HIDTA) to offer tuition free training to law enforcement officers across the country.
Host Agencies - pletraining.com
PLET will handle all course registrations, marketing, travel expenses, training materials, and certificates of completion. PLET can also provide all A/V equipment if needed. Contract Courses
Basic Narcotic Investigations
This five-day training course will properly prepare officers with the tools they need to conduct a narcotics investigation successfully. Officers will receive in-depth training on common street drug identification, paraphernalia, cutting agents, current prices, and terminology.
Online Training
Once you have completed the registration, you will receive a registration confirmation with a link to the PLET Webinar portal. Forty-eight hours prior to the start of the webinar, you will receive the webinar id and password to access the live training session.