Zastava M72 - Wikipedia
The Zastava M72 chambers and fires the 7.62×39mm M67 round. It is a gas-operated, air-cooled, drum-fed firearm with a fixed stock. It is a squad automatic weapon, like the Soviet RPK but has unique design features. This weapon is a near copy of the Soviet RPK light machine gun. There are a few differences on the M72/M72A.
Joint Program Executive Office for Armaments & Ammunition
The disposable shoulder launched weapon will combine all the best capabilities of the M72 Light-Anti-Armor Weapon, M136 AT4, M136E1 and the M141 Bunker Defeat Munition and replace them in the...
Yugoslavian Zastava M70 designations | AK Rifles
2010年12月7日 · PM M72 A: same as PM M65 B. Rifle receiver counterpart: AP M64 B/AP M70 A. * These RPKs were officially adopted as PM M72 A by the JNA as their standard issue underfolding LMG in 1972. PM M72 B: fixed-stock, milled receiver with no lightening cut on the left side, pressed and pinned barrel, non-detachable bipod. [a.k.a. 'milled slabside M72'.]
Zastava M72 - Weaponsystems.net
The M72 is a light machine gun variant of the M70. It features the same operating mechanism with long stroke gas piston. The overal design is very similar to the Soviet RPK. The M72 features a longer barrel and folding bipod than the M70 assault rifle.
ZPAP M72 RPK Rifle - Zastava Arms USA
Zastava Arms USA brings this rifle stateside as the semi-automatic ZPAP M72 RPK. It has all the features you would expect from an RPK: 21″ chrome lined and finned barrel, built in detachable bipod, RPK style rear sights, and classic wood furniture.
Pravilo Pusaka I Puskomitraljeza 7-62mm 1983 | PDF - Scribd
Pravilo Pusaka I Puskomitraljeza 7-62mm 1983 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. Instruction For Rifle and Machinegun 7.62mm 1983. A manual for the Yugoslavian M70 rifle and M72 light machine gun, which are Yugoslavian versions of the Soviet AK47 and RPK weapons.
Zastava M72 at range - YouTube
2014年8月31日 · Shooting my home build PM M72 (RPK) at open range Lapeer pit
Zastava M72 — Википедија
Puškomitraljez M72 je vrsta oružja kalibra 7,62 mm koje proizvodi fabrika Zastava Oružje. Predstavlja derivat automatske puške M70 sa teškom cevi i dvonožnim postoljem, čime se obezbeđuje veći domet. Ideja razvoja puškomitraljeza unifikovanog sa osnovnim oružjem pešadije, preuzeta je od porodice „kalašnjikov“.
打完就扔,壕无人性——美国M72 LAW单兵火箭筒 [轻武器科普]
m72的heat火箭弹剖析. 作为一件轻巧紧凑的一次性用品,不占编制,因此m72系列可以大量配发到作战单位中,士兵在使用完后直接扔掉发射筒,不用再背在身上。不过事实上发射完后的发射器还是可以通过专门的军械人员重新装填新的火箭弹的。
Automatske puške i puškomitraljezi 7,62 mm M70 i M72 - Page
2019年1月1日 · Puškomitraljez (PM) 7,62 mm M72, M72B, M72B1, M72B1N i M72AB1 je automatsko oružje namenjeno za neutralisanje i uništenje žive sile i vatrenih sredstava neprijatelja na daljinama do 800 m. Najbolji rezultati postižu se …