96 Ultra Sp 700 - Snowmobile Fanatics
2006年4月3日 · The Ultra fills a glaring Polaris void in the "700" class. The RXL has been gussied up and turned into a fine touring sled, but it's lost much of its true sporting, muscular nature. Now, with the advent of the all new case-reed inducted 679cc Fuji-built triple, Polaris squares off against Cat's Wildcat and Ski-Doo's Mach I.
1996 Polaris Ultra 680 tripple? - Snowmobile Fanatics
2010年12月28日 · Here is what a 500 dollar polaris wedge is going to need, carb boots, fuel and oil lines, exhaust manifold gaskets, clutch side driveshaft bearing and speedo key, clutches aligned. This is just the tip of the iceberg if you want to make it reliable and run good.
Ultra vs Ultra SPX - Snowmobile Fanatics
2006年1月6日 · Wedge Ultra approx. 110hp Aggressive Ultra approx 135hp Wedge Ultra approx. 520lbs Aggressive Ultra approx. 560lbs Both have XTRA-10 suspension, the SPX "SE" model had a lightweight track and some other small additions. If you pipe a wedge ultra it will put you around the same HP as the SPX, so it would be close.
1996 Polaris Ultra SP - for sale | Snowmobile Fanatics
2017年2月10日 · 1996 Polaris Ultra SP 4300 miles - great condition! Hood great shape Seat no tears 125 compression each cyl. 1" track 400 miles on it New bearings in chain case and jack shafts Maintained very well. SLP - low RPM pipes - runs great on this set up. I use this sled for trail riding Have all stock...
1998 polaris ultra 700 - Snowmobile Fanatics
2009年10月18日 · The only year Polaris used the oil filled pump was in 1996. yours doesn't have unless it was replaced with one. There is a weep hole on the bottom of the pump that will start leaking coolant out of it, my guess is the previous owner saw coolant leaking and put some kind of sealer in it,hence the stuff floating in the coolant tank.
School me on Polaris Ultra's - Vintage Sleds
2017年11月30日 · Re: School me on Polaris Ultra's « Reply #53 on: December 01, 2017, 12:24:54 am » Ok I’ve been quiet on this post learning 邏 I have 5 ultras and all need motor work done to different extents.
1998 polaris ultra - Snowmobile Fanatics
2008年12月2日 · '98 Polaris Ultra 680-slp pipes-144 studs '77 Arctic Cat Jag 340-clutched-3" riser-custom shorty seat ...
Polaris ULTRA VS Polaris STORM---VOTE- - Snowmobile Fanatics
2006年3月25日 · Ultra all the way...My first ultra i believe i put 5000 trouble free miles on until i met a road sign.[V] Now my current ultra with slp 8700 pipes i have over 3000. I have taken down multiple 700xc twins, 2 f7's i met and now a 900 fusion. They run awesome when you get them dialed in with the triple pipes.
Polaris 700 Ultra - Vintage Sleds
2015年2月18日 · Re: Polaris 700 Ultra « Reply #6 on: February 19, 2015, 06:41:41 pm » we had ultras when they were new, no disappointments and I certainly would not call them pigs. very good single-pipe triple trail sled and a reliable engine as far as I know even with pipes. the srx was certainly an over achiever for a 700 and competed well with everyone ...
96 Ultra 680 compression??? - Snowmobile Fanatics
2005年1月17日 · Pure Polaris rings for the Ultra list at $50 pe hole from Polaris at retail, Pistons list at $150 each and the gasket set is about $60. Check you cylinder clearances carefully and torque it to specs. Do a proper break in and you will be good. The Weisco's are cheeper, but lower quality and thus I personally do avoid them like the plague that ...