Palom - Final Fantasy Wiki
Palom is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV and its sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a Black Mage from Mysidia who trains together with his twin sister, Porom. Artwork by Yoshitaka Amano. Palom is a young boy wearing a striped green and white costume, with an orange cloak and green boots.
Porom - Final Fantasy Wiki
Porom is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV and its sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. She is a White Mage from Mysidia who trains together with her twin brother, Palom. Artwork by Yoshitaka Amano. As a young girl Porom wears an orange and white striped costume with a green cloak and orange boots.
How do I solve The Palom and Porom Stone Curse?
2011年4月18日 · Well, I saw Palom and Porom use that Petrify spell and I heard you can use a specific item to cure them. How do I cure them? You don't. Even though you might be able to open a window and attempt to...
Palom - Final Fantasy IV Guide - IGN
2012年8月20日 · Palom, the Black Mage in the Mysidian twins, is a smartass and extremely sarcastic. However, he is also a powerful user of Black Magic and can be a devastating member of your party, especially when...
Palom - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
2013年2月11日 · Palom is a playable character in the game Final Fantasy IV. He is a Black Mage from Mysidia, and he trains together with his twin sister Porom. He is described as a show-off, and is very...
Palom - Final Fantasy IV (PlayStation) - Guides
Battle commands, gear, spells, and character details for Palom in Final Fantasy IV (Chronicles, FF4, FFIV, PlayStation, PS, PS1, PSX)
save porom and polom (spoiler) - Final Fantasy IV - GameFAQs
For Final Fantasy IV on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "save porom and polom (spoiler)".
最终幻想4(Final Fantasy IV)(FF4) - ffsky.cn
天幻的最终幻想4专题,在力求全面的基础上,尽量采用便于读者阅读的排版方式。 专题内容里的游戏名词严格保持与游戏中的一致,并且注重了日英中三种语言对照,便于不同语言的玩家查阅使用,同时还涉及了FF4所有版本的相异点,便于玩不同版本FF4的玩家阅读参考。
FF4双胞胎parom和polom的问题?? - A9VG电玩部落论坛
2004年10月31日 · 剧情到后面当它们2个石化之后挡住墙之后,再过去的时候是可以对他们使用道具的。这里是不是有什么秘密道具可以使用在他们什么的?. ... FF4双胞胎parom和polom的问题?? ,A9VG电玩部落论坛
白魔道士Porom-最终幻想4(Final Fantasy IV)(FF4)-FFSKY天幻网专 …
Porom的部份大部分跟Palom一样,但途中有微妙的不同。 然而,虽然升级速度是最快,但是和忍者Edge没啥差别。 FF4A以前版本要升级的话,首先在试练之山练级。 在Cecil还是暗黑骑士时比较好。 除此之外,可以在剧情发展到从米西迪亚通过鬼路 (Devil Road)进入巴隆镇,Yang再次加入之后练级也是不错的选择。 这里面大概会用的就是e跟f吧。 除去精神值不看两者的合计值是一样的,要用哪个就看个人喜好了。 此外,a出现的机率比其他模式高两倍。 关于模式的选择,上面 …
Wait a minute... Didn't Palom and Porom turn themselves to stone?
People were swapping out Rosa for sure with Porom and Rydia might have just squeaked by just because of her summoning ability. They only appear to suck with one meh ability shared between them, one...
Palom ( Final Fantasy IV party member) - Fandom
Palom is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV. He is a Black Mage in contrast to his twin sister, Porom, who is a White Mage. Palom focuses on offensive magic. Palom and Porom join the party in Mysidia after Cecil meets with the elder.
The RPG Place - Final Fantasy IV - Characters - Palom
Palom is one of a pair of young twin mages assigned to help Cecil. He's the mischiefmaker of the two, often earning a solid thwack from his sister Porom for his antics. Boastful, arrogant, and above all troublesome, he is nevertheless a rather endearing character. Despite his antics, he's quite useful in your party, and a good person to have along.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Walkthrough, Part Eleven
Chase Palom to the southwest corner of Mysidia, near the weapon / armour shop; then to the southeast corner of town, near the item shop; and then to the northeast, to the right of the entrance to the Devil’s Road. - You’ll wind up near Kaipo. Visit Tellah’s grave in the north of town, then Anna’s beside his, then leave.
RPGClassics.com - FFIV Character Profiles: Palom
Palom, born in Mysidia, can use the power of black magic. Palom and his twin sister Porom are exact opposites, both different handed, and both learning opposite types of magic. He proves to be a useful party member while around. Palom has the ability to boast, thus raising his magic power which makes his magic do more damage.
Final Fantasy IV/Characters/Palom - Wikibooks
Palom is a black mage with an emphasis on magic at the cost of physical strength. He works best in a team with his sister, Porom. Abilities: Bluff: Increases magic power. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy IV: Easytype)
Twincast - Final Fantasy Wiki
Twincast (ふたりがけ, Futarigake?), also known as Twin, is an ability in Final Fantasy IV. The trademark skill of Palom and Porom, it allows two casters to execute powerful attacks by combining their powers. It has also been used by other characters with a strong bond by combining their powers.
Final Fantasy IV Walkthrough - Caves of Narshe
Press the L and R buttons to switch between the brother and sister mages. Switch over to Porom and press the blue switch to make Palom’s door open. Don’t switch back and advance Porom through the open door. You’ll notice a yellow square with a mini insignia on it. Bypass it for now and head over to the cracked tiles.
can palom & porom be cured of the petrification?
I haven't progessed that much in ff4 because I sorta got bored of it (but I did like game) and yeah.... when they get petrified you can press x on them and it will show you all your items to use on them possibly because you CAN heal them.
Final Fantasy IV/Sylph Cave - StrategyWiki
2024年1月30日 · In the upper left hand corner of the Underground is a cave surrounded by a grey patch on the ground. Enter the cave. The first thing to do when you enter the cave is to have Rosa cast the spell Float on your whole party (you can do this all at once).