ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The POMZ-2M is a stake-mounted anti-personnel fragmentation mine made in the former Soviet Union. The body of the mine is a cast-iron thick-walled tube with five rows of cast...
POMZ | Military Wiki | Fandom
The POMZ, POMZ-2 and POMZ-2M (ПОМЗ, ПОМЗ-2, ПОМЗ-2М) are three types of Russian-made stake mounted anti-personnel fragmentation mine. The POMZ mine was used during …
Pomz 2m landmine - CAT-UXO
It is produced with slight modifications in China as the Type 59 fragmentation landmine, the Czech-Republic as the PP Mi-Sk and Yugoslavia as the PMR. The POMZ-2M is the most …
POMZ-2 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
POMZ-2 (ros. ПОМЗ-2) – radziecka mina przeciwpiechotna o okrężnym działaniu odłamkowym. Skonstruowana podczas II wojny światowej. Mina POMZ-2 miała cylindryczny, żeliwny korpus …
Mines POMZ-2M - nolandmines.com
The POMZ-2M is a stake-mounted anti-personnel fragmentation mine made in the former Soviet Union. The body of the mine is a cast-iron thick-walled tube with five rows of cast …
Soviet POMZ-2M Fragmentation Stake Mine - Hero Outdoors
This is the Russian POMZ-2M, a high-explosive (HE), cylindrical, cast iron body, anti-personnel (AP), stake mounted, landmine which is designed to wound or kill by its fragmentation also …
POMZ-2 anti-personnel mine - Internet Movie Firearms Database
POMZ (Protivopekhotnaya Oskolochnaya Mina Zagrazhdeniya - Anti-personnel Fragmentation Defence Mine) is a series of Soviet stake mounted anti-personnel fragmentation mine, …
Munition, mine, POMZ-2M - Fenix Insight
The POMZ-2M (ПОМЗ-2М) is an obsolete Russian anti-personnel fragmentation (APF) stake mine. The POMZ-2M was developed from the POMZ-2 (ПОМЗ-2), which differ primarily in …
Mines – Angola – POMZ-2 - One Step Beyond
POMZ-2 is an Anti-Personnel (AP) fragmentation stake mine which has been extensively copied by other countries. The main portion of the cast-steel body is externally grooved to enhance …
POMZ-2M - antipersonnel mine - British Ordnance Collectors …
2015年9月15日 · The mine POMZ-2M is used fuse MD-5M, and mine POMZ 2 - fuse MD-2 and MD-5M. The operating principle of the mines. By pulling the wire stretching pulled out of …
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