Mucin from porcine stomach - MilliporeSigma
Mucin from porcine stomach Type III, bound sialic acid 0.5-1.5 %, partially purified powder; CAS Number: 84082-64-4; EC Number: 282-010-7; Synonyms: MUC at Sigma-Aldrich
黏液蛋白 来源于猪胃 Type II | Sigma-Aldrich
What are the differences between Mucin from porcine stomach Products M2378 and M1778? Product No. M2378 is a crude mucin preparation. Product No. M1778 is a partially purified powder prepared according to the method described in Glenister, D.A. and Salmon. K. Microbial Ecol. in Health & Disease 1, 31, (1988).
Physiological properties, composition and structural profiling of ...
2021年12月1日 · Physiological properties of porcine gastrointestinal mucus: Visual representation of (left to right) gastric, duodenal, jejunal, ileal, cecal, proximal and distal colonic (A) mucus and (B) intraluminal contents. pH values of (C) mucus and (D) intraluminal contents, water content of (E) mucus and (F) intraluminal contents (% of weight of sample ...
Mucin Type II 84082-64-4 - MilliporeSigma
Mucin from porcine stomach (Type II); Mucin from porcine stomach was used in studies on the binding site of the galactose-specific agglutinin PA-IL from Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Mucin is majorly composed of carbohydrate units, crucial for …
Biological Activity of Porcine Gastric Mucin on Stress Resistance …
Purified porcine gastric mucin (PGM) is an alternative biomaterial to native mucin which displays multifunctional properties for exploring a wide range of biomedical applications. The present study evaluated the in vitro (RAW 264.7 macrophage cells) and in vivo (zebrafish embryos and larvae) bioactivities of PGM.
Mucin from porcine gastric mucosa | LeeBio.com
Lee Biosolutions sells porcine stomach Mucin for research, laboratory and diagnostic manufacture uses. Custom preparations, technical support, bulk quantities and aliquoting available, email [email protected] for more details.
黏液蛋白来源于猪胃 [猪胃膜素],Mucin from porcine …
黏液蛋白或黏液糖蛋白是哺乳动物黏液的主要大分子成分。 它还被应用于评价细胞离心浓缩痰涂片检测抗酸杆菌的研究。 猪胃黏液素已应用于 铜绿假单胞菌 半乳糖特异性凝集素PA-IL结合位点的研究。 粘蛋白在药物递送应用中具有广泛的药理学应用。 粘蛋白在炎症过程中起着保护作用。 粘蛋白合成失调有可能引起肿瘤发生和慢性炎症。 黏液形成所有上皮表面的保护层。 黏液的主要结构成分是形成凝胶的黏液素。 覆盖肠上皮的黏液层以MUC2粘蛋白为中心分子。 MUC2是由杯 …
ムチン, ブタ胃由来 Mucin, from Porcine Stomach
ムチンは一般的に胃液、ダ液、関節液のように生体の分泌する粘性の高い液の名称であるが、主として多糖類と蛋白質または脂質から成る複合物質でありムチンをムコ物質またはムコ複合体という名称に置き換えることがある。 ブタの胃壁をペプシン-HClで加水分解した後、表面に浮いている液体を約60%のアルコールで沈澱させて得たもので、すりつぶして水で溶かした時粘りのある灰色~乳白色の液体となる。 コレラワクチンの力価判定において、ワクチン投与したマ …
黏液蛋白 来源于猪胃 - Sigma-Aldrich
What are the differences between Mucin from porcine stomach Products M2378 and M1778? Product No. M2378 is a crude mucin preparation. Product No. M1778 is a partially purified powder prepared according to the method described in Glenister, D.A. and Salmon. K. Microbial Ecol. in Health & Disease 1, 31, (1988).
Structural investigation of porcine stomach mucin by X-ray …
2011年3月25日 · The X-ray fiber diffraction signal at 6.5 Å reveals partial organization of oligosaccharides in porcine stomach mucin. This partial structure of mucin will be helpful in establishing a three dimensional structure for the whole mucin molecule.