Firewall rules for ICMP (TCP/UDP port 7) - Cisco Learning Network
2017年9月25日 · UDP port 7 is used with WoL (Wake On LAN) implementations. If done on the internet, this is sometimes referred to as Wake on Internet. Personally, I'd never have this open from the internet, as the lack of authentication on WoL packets allows virtually anyone to turn on computers by "guessing" MAC addresses.
ICMP echo reply Port? - Cisco Learning Network
Samuel schrieb: There is a lot of debate on the Internet regarding ICMP being layer 3 or layer 4, as supposedly it uses port 7 for the latter as an echo reply (I did see someone comment that port 7 was for the old ICMP service); any input would be appreciated.
Cisco Learning Network
I can add to what they have said already that switches usually always start with /1 whereas routers always start with /0. So for a two port router you might find g0/0 and g0/1 and for a 24 port switch you will normally see fa0/1 through to fa0/24. To see all the ports on a router or switch you just need to run the command show ip interface brief.
WebUI Change Listening Port? - Cisco Learning Network
6) Back in the Terminal, you must add the new web server port to the allowed incoming ports list of the firewall. To do so, enter the command "sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=<your-new-port>/tcp --permanent" (without quotes and replace <your-new-port> with the new port your configured in the previous steps) and press ENTER.
DHCP-Snooping - Cisco Learning Network
2024年12月24日 · Check for Port Security Issues. Port security could interfere with DHCP if there are MAC address restrictions in place. Ensure that port security settings on your access ports (where clients are connected) are not blocking DHCP traffic. Verify port security settings on the access ports: arduino; Copy code; Switch(config)# interface ...
Port type inconsistent - Cisco Learning Network
Port 257 (Ethernet2/1) of VLAN0001 is broken (Port Type Inconsistent) Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.257. Designated root has priority 32769, address fa16.3efa.7a5c. Designated bridge has priority 32769, address fa16.3efa.7a5c. Designated port id is 128.257, designated path cost 0. Timers: message age 0, forward delay ...
Change key exchange method? - Cisco Learning Network
2025年3月6日 · "Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1". There was some logs on the IOSv router aswell, but I will have to provide that later as I am upgrading to CML 2.8 as of writing this.
Cisco Learning Network
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Switching Redundancy, How? - Cisco Learning Network
Ok. got it. I am confused about something in Etherchannel. in the following topology, Which ports the PC's should be connected with the HR switch to send burst( more data) of data through the aggregated link ( port 2-4) ?coz I am using port 5-7 for Etherchannel but I have not mentioned port 2-4 anywhere in the configruration using which the PC's are connected with the switches. this …
Load Balancing and the hash algorithm in odd numbered …
frame 5 goes to port 5. frame 6 goes to port 1. frame 7 goes to port 2. frame 8 goes to port 3 . for it means in a look port 1,2 and 3 processes 2 frames each and rest port 4,5 processes 1 frames each to complete the loop . so he writes it as 2:2:2:1:1 . hope I …