http - Port 8000 vs Port 8080 - Stack Overflow
2016年7月5日 · In fact, 8080 is often used as a default http port for software providing http services that is not a core http Server (e.g. Apache http Server). So after a while this port is …
Should I run my small website in port 80, 8080, or 81?
2014年2月23日 · I am running a small website using nginx. Since there's (probably) not going to be a lot of traffic in my server's lifespan and to avoid random DoS attacks, I am considering …
What does localhost:8080 mean? [closed] - Stack Overflow
2017年5月28日 · 8080 ( port ) is the address of the port on which the host server is listening for requests. http ...
Are there good alternative HTTP ports rather than port 80?
Since port 80 is not an option, you need to find an alternative port. There is no official HTTP alternative port. When port 80 is used for one address/webserver, it's fairly common to use …
Is there any standard alternative HTTPS port? - Stack Overflow
2015年9月9日 · It's up to you which port to use, but port 8443 seems to be quite common. Personally I like to use 443xx with xx being any 2‑digit number, e.g. 44301. According to the …
windows - How to kill a localhost:8080 - Super User
2019年3月5日 · You can track down the process running on port 8080 and kill it. For macOS or Linux: sudo lsof -iTCP:8080 -sTCP:LISTEN You should get an output something like: …
Tomcat Server Error - Port 8080 already in use - Stack Overflow
2015年12月14日 · The output should be able to point you in the direction of which process is holding port 8080. Entry may likely be You may still have a running instance of …
Is it safe to serve HTTP/HTTPS over ports 8080/8443
2015年11月9日 · An easy solution is to leave your server running on port 8080/8443, and at the firewall, NAT/forward ports 80/443 to 8080/8443. – SnakeDoc Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 17:04
windows - What exactly is going on when I go to localhost:8080 in …
2015年7月1日 · The second part, :8080, means connect to port 8080 of that web address. If you don't specify it, your web browser will connect to the default webserver port, which is port 80. If …
port - is my 8080 being listened? - Stack Overflow
2012年6月8日 · So, your port 8080 is listening, but on ipv6 stack. Share. Improve this answer. Follow