Solved: When to enable Portfast? - Cisco Community
2007年3月19日 · Portfast is designed for access ports where you never expect to see BPDU packets. Portfast shortens/bypasses normal STP timers to get ports up and forwarding as …
Advanced STP Features: PortFast, BPDU Guard, and BPDU Filter
Much like the PortFast feature, BPDU Guard has two configuration options: globally (spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default) and per interface (spanning-tree bpduguard enable). As you …
Características avanzadas de SpanningTree: PortFast, BPDU Guard …
2017年4月10日 · PortFast mueve inmediatamente el puerto al estado de forwarding, pasando por alto los estados listening y learning. Un puerto con PortFast habilitado continua enviando …
Fonctionnalités avancées de Spanning Tree : PortFast, BPDU Guard …
PortFast peut créer une boucle (loop) temporaire de 2 secondes maximum (intervalle par défaut de Hello) jusqu'à la réception de la BPDU suivante et la désactivation de PortFast. Le BPDU …
Spanning tree Porfast y BPDU Guard - Cisco Community
2025年1月1日 · La habilitación de «Portfast» permite que los puertos se muestren en estado de reenvío de inmediato, evitando el retraso habitual en la transición de estados del protocolo …
portfast - Cisco Learning Network
Portfast protection mechanism is used in order to protect wrongly configured ports as Portfast, and BPDU guard is used for security purposes. Normally, a PC (or other access devices) are …
Difference between portfast and edge port - Cisco Community
2019年7月27日 · 3 different things are PortFast (good), BPDUguard (good), BPDUfilter (bad as disables STP). Plus 2 methods of applying those: globally or per-interface based. it is …
Solved: portfast and loop risk - Cisco Community
2009年7月19日 · PortFast delays the opening of the port while Spanning-Tree calculates the best path throughout the switch domain. In your case, if SW02 is the root of all Vlans and you …
PVST+/RPVST+ Portfast vs RSTP Edge Ports - Cisco Learning …
A port at the “edge” of the network, where only a single host connects. Traditionally, this has been identified by enabling the STP PortFast feature. RSTP keeps the PortFast concept for …
Why STP PortFast? - Cisco Learning Network
To enable portfast feature globaly: spanning-tree portfast default . To enable portfast feature on per interface basis: spanning-tree portfast . Switch-B(config) #int f0/11. Switch-B(config-if) …