pouët.net :: your online demoscene resource
the so famous pouët.net oneliner. New from GFB(tm): link me beautiful Fioniadata demo party compos about to start. and this will affect the Demoscene. and this will affect Demosthenes.
pouët.net :: your online demoscene resource - pouet.net
A pig was a pouet symbol when 1M comments happened; it's so funny that people are excited about some number like ONE MILLION COMMENTS when the real deal is just 48532 comments away; 🐊 what should we call our new mascot?
Codeboys & Endians by Booze Design :: pouët.net - pouet.net
Feb 3, 2025 · demo for Commodore 64, 1st at Fjälldata 2025
Fishbomb by Extend :: pouët.net - pouet.net
Nov 23, 2024 · p01: Those fullscreen pictures aren't totally new on the C64. You can remove(ish) the screen borders by messing with the video chip registers but a) this needs to be done cycle exact in every raster line you want to remove the left/right border from (the upper/lower one is comparatively very easy to get rid of, just two register stores per frame with a lot of leeway), …
Lifeforce by Andromeda Software Development - pouët.net
Aug 5, 2007 · What does a demogroup have to do for receiving ONLY thumps up at pouet ? Why on earth does asd deserve a pig or even a thump down for this prod. This is why pouet users make pouet not a reliable website.
fr-minus-210: Attractor by Farbrausch :: pouët.net - pouet.net
Oct 6, 2024 · pouët.net - your online demoscene resource. I'm aware we did not cater to the technical gallery. Instead, it's about physics, flow, cohesion and love for detail.
Area 5150 by CRTC & Hornet - pouët.net
Aug 7, 2022 · pouët.net - your online demoscene resource. Emulator report: Gets surprisingly far in PCem.Used machine [8088] AMI XT clone (just find yourself the right BIOS), 640k RAM, CGA.
porrasturvat by tAAt - pouët.net
Jul 31, 2002 · It's funny for 10 minutes.. stop this shit! a game in pouet's top10. i have to put quake3 in pouet too. added on the 2002-10-11 15:38:17 by mrdoob. this is not worth a rulez. it is fun for the first few times, but has exactly zero motivation after 3 days, because it's basically just trying out different angles and points to push. ...
Enigma by Phenomena - pouët.net
Sep 10, 2000 · Also, pouet is almost ten! added on the 2010-05-15 18:42:41 by Calexico. rulez added on the 2010-05-15 19:05:45 by Gʀɪʍʍy. I second Shazz, amazing sound work for it's time. rulez added on the 2010-05-15 19:07:54 by Rebb. Elite! rulez added on the 2010-05-15 23:36:03 by Frequent. Absolute classic. Great tune!
You probably think this demo is about you by Tulou :: pouët.net
Feb 4, 2025 · pouët.net - your online demoscene resource. I love the great music, intriguing video footage with the two men, and I only saw a couple of effects and the rest was the scrolling circles, and I definitely didn't see the effect in the screenshot, so I think I may have to check my WinUAE config, but still GREAT!