Jhs powerbar upright extruder issue - SketchUp Community
2024年3月4日 · It seems evident that JHS Powerbar needs some love. All of the extension included in it are available as stand alone extensions. Nothing against the author but while it might seem convenient to have all of those extensions in a single download, it puts onus on the author to make updates when any of the extensions get updated.
JHS_PowerBar on Sketchup 2019 - Extensions - SketchUp …
2019年3月10日 · JHS_PowerBar_2015_v2.4 Isn’t working on sketchup 2019. where can i get the updated version or when will they update it? DaveR March 10, 2019, 4:24am
How do i get free download jhs powerbar - SketchUp Community
2021年7月12日 · by the way JHS powerbar was the only extension that failed to import in 2025 with the new migrate extensions tool (which appart from that worked great !), I had to manually copy/paste the JHS folder to fix it.
JHS Power Bar - SketchUp Free - SketchUp Community
2018年10月16日 · Good evening all, I am new to Sketch up and currently working on the Sketch Up Free - web. Does anybody know if that’s provided with the JHS Power Bar, and wher can I find that? I would really appreciate if anybody could help me with that Thanks a lot (: Chiara M.
JHS Powerbar not loading on Sketchup 2018
2019年5月18日 · I have the 2018 version of Sketchup and apparently the JHS powerbar plugin doesn’t seem to load up in it whereas the other JHS plugins do.
"Component string" in JHS PowerBar Extension - SketchUp …
2020年7月12日 · I meant “Component String” which its icon located next to icon “Copy along path” in JHS PowerBar. Actually, I created copy of objects (Cylinders) along curved path (Helix), but the result was not as I expected e.g. Position of cylinders are reversed (see image 1), centre of cylinders are not in line with curved path (see Image 2).
Extension "Drop At Intersection (by R. Wilson) doesn't work …
2024年9月3日 · Part of JHS PowerBar (highly recommended BTW, and it’s free), this is a very useful extension that drops objects until they intersect another object. When it works. Which is about 80% of the time. Other times, instead of dropping the item, it draws a dotted vertical line along the line it SHOULD HAVE dropped the item. Screenshot attached - the yellow bar …
Please help with plugin I can't install - SketchUp Community
2021年3月23日 · Using Install Extension in the Extension Manager is the correct way to install extensions you’ve downloaded to your computer. It looks like JHS Powerbar has installed just fine. It isn’t signed but as long as you don’t have loading restrictions set to prevent it, that’s not a …
Should Upright Extruder Work With Sketchup 8?
2022年1月1日 · To investigate this tool and keep things simple, I’m attempting to extrude a vertical disk that’s perpendicular to the xy plane along a single line that runs through the disk’s centre. However when I select the line and disk and click on the extrude tool, the status bar tells me to “select face and welded curve first”? Do I need to do something to the path to make it a …
Sketchup plug in - Extensions - SketchUp Community
2024年4月8日 · Hi! Anyone knows the name of this plug ins?