Is Powerade Zero Bad For You? - Here Is Your Answer.
2015年12月29日 · Powerade Zero is a variation of the popular sports drink brand Powerade. It is primarily designed to hydrate individuals who participate in strenuous athletic activities. Many people who are watching their weight or concerned about their health choose to drink Powerade Zero because it includes zero sugar and zero calories.
Is Powerade Bad For You? - Here Is Your Answer.
2016年2月5日 · For such people, Powerade provides calories needed for energy (around 300 kcal per 32 oz bottle), sodium for electrolyte replenishment, and carbohydrates in the form of glucose and maltodextrin for replacing glucose lost during intense workouts - thus boosting hydration and keeping you from getting fatigued.
Is Powerade Zero Bad For You? - Here Is Your Answer.
Approved by Dr. Sunil - Powerade Zero is bad for you. It can cause many negative health effects and should be replaced with a healthier drink alternative whenever possible.
Is Sparkling ICE Bad For You? - Here Is Your Answer.
2016年7月14日 · Short answer. Sparkling ICE is bad for you. It contains toxic ingredients that negatively affect the body. Carbonation causes additional problems, such as bowel irritation, heartburn, and aggravating stomach