Semantic Communication Systems for Speech Transmission
2021年6月10日 · In this paper, we make an effort to recover the transmitted speech signals in the semantic communication systems, which minimizes the error at the semantic level rather than the bit or symbol level. Particularly, we design a deep learning (DL)-enabled semantic communication system for speech signals, named DeepSC-S.
李 毅 郎 - 國立陽明交通大學
Tai-Cheng Lee, Yih-Lang Li, “Incremental Timing-Driven Placement with Approximated Sign-Off Wire Delay and Regression-based Cell Delay”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), VOL. 27, NO. 10, pp. 2434 – 2446, OCT 2019.
「ICLR 2024」基于脉冲神经网络的二值图对比学习 - 知乎
今天和大家分享一下我们近期发表在ICLR 2024上的一篇工作「A Graph is Worth 1-bit Spikes: When Graph Contrastive Learning Meets Spiking Neural Networks」,该工作通过结合脉冲神经网络与图对比学习,首次提出并解决了无监督二值图学习问题。 接下来我将从研究背景,方法,理论和实验的顺序逐步解读该篇工作。 为照顾不熟悉该领域尤其是脉冲神经网络的读者,该篇解读采用了较长的篇幅进行前置知识的铺垫。 如果对于研究背景(图神经网络和脉冲神经网络)较为 …
Wheat Vacuolar Iron Transporter TaVIT2 Transports Fe and Mn …
To identify target genes for the biofortification of wheat, we functionally characterized homologs of the VACUOLAR IRON TRANSPORTER (VIT). The wheat genome contains two VIT paralogs, TaVIT1 and TaVIT2, which have different expression patterns but are both low in the endosperm.
Enhancing surgical instrument segmentation: integrating vision ...
2024年5月8日 · In this study, we presented a novel approach integrating ViT and CNN. Our unique feature adapter successfully combines the global insights of ViT with the local, multi-scale spatial capabilities of CNN. This integration effectively overcomes data limitations in surgical instrument segmentation.
IEEE Transactions on Computers - Table of Contents
Accelerating Finite-Field and Torus Fully Homomorphic Encryption via Compute-Enabled (S)RAM pp. 2449-2462
Physics-Based Inductance Extraction for Via Arrays in ... - IEEE …
2010年8月12日 · Abstract: A systematic approach for inductance extraction for via arrays between two parallel planes is presented. Both self and mutual inductance values are obtained based on a cavity model.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates, challenges and opportunities
2014年12月1日 · Chem Soc Rev, 38 (2009), pp. 2434-2446 Crossref View in Scopus Google Scholar This paper summarizes PHA applications as bioplastics, fine chemicals, implant biomaterials, medicines, and biofuels.
Practical algorithms for simulation and reconstruction of digital in ...
Here we present practical methods for simulation and reconstruction of in-line digital holograms recorded with plane and spherical waves. The algorithms described here are applicable to holographic imaging of an object exhibiting absorption as well as phase-shifting properties.
Highly efficient and tunable polarization rotator based on lithium ...
Based on such a structure, we have achieved the efficient polarization rotation in a length of only 17.7 µm, where the polarization conversion efficiency and insertion loss are 99.6% (99.2%) and 0.38 dB (0.4 dB) for the trans-electric (TE)-to-trans-magnetic (TM) rotation.