7TV serves 2,000,000+ daily unique users and has a library of over 1,000,000 public emotes. We use newer, more optimized image formats like WebP and AVIF, to reduce bandwidth usage. Our entire codebase is available on GitHub with a source-available license. Anyone can view and …
Top Emotes - 7TV
Explore a vast library of public emotes on 7TV.
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The official hub for all things related to 7TV, the ultimate platform for customizable chat emotes! | 110375 members
7TV - GitHub
The Web Extension for 7TV, bringing new features, emotes, vanity and performance to Twitch, Kick & YouTube
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Manage hundreds of emotes for your Twitch or YouTube channels with ease. Why 7TV? Group emotes in customizable sets that can be shared with other users or quickly swapped onto your channel. Everyone gets 600 customizable channel emote slots, all for free. Don't like the name given to an emote by its author?