The K Wave Dedication to PQ Wall | Market Cycle Dynamics
The K Wave is dedicated to the late legendary and magnanimous market analyst and philosopher PQ Wall (1931-2009). PQ’s life demonstrated that destiny is real. Just one of PQ’s many contributions to market cycle research is the Wall cycle, a remarkable cycle that is 1/144th of a long wave cycle in length.
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Multi-Touch Wall - PQ Labs
PQ Labs Scalable Touch Wall. Provides a wider range of screen size from 100" to 500" for more environments. as you need. design options. extremely fast refresh rate brings you a more accurate and more smooth touch experience. Finger,gloved hand or any other pointer.
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Two letters which will be missed - MarketWatch
2009年7月31日 · NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Very few letters made money during the Crash of 2008. Paradoxically, two of those who did have just abruptly closed. P.Q. Wall announced this week that he will close...
[论文笔记] Panoptic Segmentation 全景分割 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
To address this, we propose a novel panoptic quality (PQ) metric that captures performance for all classes (stuff and things) in an interpretable and unified manner. Using the proposed metric, we perform a rigorous study of both human and machine performance for PS on three existing datasets, revealing interesting insights about the task.
The Market Cycle Dynamics of Intel (INTC)
PQ Wall made a quantum leap in market cycle research. His discoveries apply to both major equity indexes and individual security analysis. To my knowledge, PQ was the first to recognize that economic and market cycles are actually a form of quantum field guided by wave functions.
The Kitchin Third | Market Cycle Dynamics
A Kitchin cycle is made up of nine Wall Cycles, therefore each Kitchin Third is made up of three Wall Cycles. PQ Wall had a general rule of third last and weakest. This goes for the final Kitchin Third in a Kitchin Cycle, but also goes for Wall Cycle #3, #6, and #9, or the final Wall Cycle in each Kitchin Third.
software - PQ Labs
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(1987) Magic is Real: ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT by P.Q. Wall - eBay
2023年10月4日 · Original Manuscript, Comb-bound, includes laid-in letter from P.Q. Wall's wife Ellen C. Wall to author Bronwyn Jones introducing the manuscript, letter dated December 2, 1987, 326p. Contents: Diagrams, Introduction, Preface: I.