The 10 Top Villages in Sumba Island - Sumba Island Travel Indonesia
Prailiang Village is the one of the most picturesque village in East-Sumba. Prailiang was village built on a rocky hilltop to keep out of sight from coastal slave traders back in the day. The village is built in two rows and the houses have the traditional Sumbanese rooftops.
Kampung Praigoli | Sumba, Indonesia | Attractions - Lonely Planet
Best known for its nearly 200-year-old Watu Kajiwa, the deeply traditional, sprawling village of Praigoli is notched in the dusty, leafy hills above Sumba's southwest coast. About 5km onwards from Praigoli is the traditional village of Waeiwuang , with views of rice fields, a river, the sea and coastal mountains, and another stone tomb with a 2 ...
Waigalli and Praigolil villages - Travelfish
2016年11月23日 · As you twist and turn through the hills and paddies south of Waikabubak, not far from the village of Wanokaka, the traditional villages Waigalli and Praigolil exhibit monumental megalith headstones which have become symbols of the area, and indeed of Sumba.
Cultural Villages - Eco Beach City
Praigoli Village Located south of Waikabubak lies Praigoli village, where an annual spectacle, the Pasola festival, is held. This renowned festival is the most celebrated event on the island, featuring two rival groups of horsemen engaged in a spirited battle—a symbolic sacrifice for bountiful harvests.
Traditional Villages & Textile Culture (5D/4N) Explore Sumba
Our first stop is Praigoli Village, where we'll get to see the Kajiwa Stone and Pasola Field. From there, we'll head to Waigali Village, which is situated on top of a hill and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area. Here, we can admire the Andung (Scull Tree), which is a …
Melihat Lebih Dekat Kampung Adat Praigoli Sumba
2020年7月10日 · Lokasi tempat berdirinya bangunan unik di pulau Sumba salah satunya adalah Kampung Adat Praigoli. Kampung adat Praigoli ini merupakan salah satu kampung atau desa adat dari suku Praigoli yang dimana masyarakatnya masih hidup bergantung dengan alam dan memegang erat adat dan budayanya tanpa sedikitpun terpengaruh oleh modernisasi.
Insights from Praigoli Village, West Sumba, Indonesia
This research examines the sustainability of vernacular architecture at Praigoli Village, Wanukaka District, West Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The objective is to explore vernacular architecture for sustainable human settlements.
(PDF) Lessons Learned from Vernacular Architecture
2020年10月4日 · This research examines the sustainability of vernacular architecture at Praigoli Village, Wanukaka District, West Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The objective is to...
Tour module 5 days Sumba Experience - Merapitours.com
Our first stop is Praigoli Village, where we'll get to see the Kajiwa Stone and Pasola Field. From there, we'll head to Waigali Village, which is situated on top of a hill and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area. Here, we can admire the Andung (Scull Tree), which is a …
Kampung Adat Praigoli di Sumba - Atourin
Informasi terlengkap Kampung Adat Praigoli di Sumba yang berisi deskripsi, foto, alamat, jam buka, cara akses, tingkat aksesibilitas, harga tiket, fasilitas tersedia, dan lainnya.
The Conception of Right-Left on Praigoli Houses Source: Authors, …
The front, back, left, and right axis originating from the human body also play a role in determining the floor plan in Praigoli Village (Fig. 8). This is following the theory of "the Preeminence...
Sumba Island: Wanokaka and Lemboya - The Spice Route End
2018年8月11日 · Praigoli. There is a traditional village almost on every hill of the area. The closest from Wanokaka is Praigoli. Start by the field used for the pasola, then go up the hill. You will pass by a a few settlement (for instance Wenenangu) on the way before reaching Praigoli. Waigali to …
Study of Vernacular Architecture of A International Village
The document discusses vernacular architecture in Praigoli Village, West Sumba Regency, Indonesia. It describes the village's location, climate, traditional housing structures, and relationship to the surrounding environment.
Vernacular Architecture as a Representation of Nature, Self, Culture ...
This study aims to explore the basic concepts of vernacular architecture as a representation of nature, self, culture, and society among three case studies, namely: Praigoli Village-Sumba Island, Kowa Village-Timor Island, Bena Village-Flores Island were selected based on the similarity of natural and cultural background.
Location of Praigoli Village, West Sumba, East Nusa
Therefore, the study of vernacular architecture as a representation of nature, self, culture, and society: Insights from Praigoli Village-Sumba Island, Kowa Village-Timor Island, and Bena...
attractions Sumba, Nusa Tenggara - Lonely Planet
Best known for its nearly 200-year-old Watu Kajiwa, the deeply traditional, sprawling village of Praigoli is notched in the dusty, leafy hills above Sumba… You'll need your own wheels or a driver to access this slice of paradise, which is part of Patiala …
Symbol of the unity of the human body and the universe in the ...
A traditional house in the Praigoli village has the concept of a three realm house and a symbol of the unity of the human body and the universe. This can be seen from the distribution of the...
Kampung Waigalli | Sumba, Indonesia - Lonely Planet
Kampung Praigoli. 0.15 MILES. Best known for its nearly 200-year-old Watu Kajiwa, the deeply traditional, sprawling village of Praigoli is notched in the dusty, leafy hills above Sumba…
The Layout and part of the Traditional House in Praigoli Village ...
Based on a systematic review of the literature, the purpose of this study is to analyze the research trends, categories, and variables relating to architectural continuity in residential buildings,...
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