PRAL Ratios — Welcome To The Cronometer Community
Have you enrolled your Cronometer account as part of the Mercola study? Dr. Mercola asked to have the PRAL option removed for Mercola users. If you would like to see this gauge in your …
Recent podcast discussed PRAL option; this doesn't seem to exist?
2025年3月1日 · On the 2/26/2025 episode of Discovering Nutrition with Cronometer, Eliisa and Jen Hernandez of Plant-Powered Kidneys discussed a PRAL option that Jen mentioned she …
Where is?: Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL)
I have upgraded to Gold and there was very interesting gauge showing Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL) , but now it has vanished.
What is PRAL ALKALINITY - Welcome To The Cronometer …
The Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL) is an estimate of the alkalinity of the food. Negative values on the scale are more alkaline, and positive numbers are more acidic. Best,
Baking Soda and PRAL Alkalinity score
it might not affect an acid base score because it will be immediately turned into NaCl and co2 gas when it mixes with stomach acid, thus not reaching the kidneys as baking soda...
A grumpy rant: Quick PRAL calculations would be a godsend
Firstly, let me say that I'm aware that there is very little scientific evidence that PRAL is a meaningful metric for the average person with functioning kidneys. But I am not a person with …
PRAL score — Welcome To The Cronometer Community
Hi - I just noted that my end-of-day PRAL score is an amazing (?) MINUS 62. How's that possible? Also, might you suggest any links that would help me get a handle on what a PRAL …
I don't see the PRAL option. I don't see the PRAL in settings
Check the "Display" settings, at the bottom under "Nutrient Balances", you should see "PRAL Alkalinity" as an optional gauge to turn on.
What happened to the PRAL meter at the bottom of the IOS app …
On the website, go to Settings > Display and scroll to the bottom of the screen. You will see the balance scales.
PRAL alkalinity level while water fasting
When doing a water fast, my PRAL alkalinity goes down fast if I add minerals to my water (magnesium, potassium and calcium). Should I try to stay around -30 on the ratio ring by …