经济型掌上红外热像仪_轻便型口袋红外热像仪Fluke PTi120 | 福禄克
Fluke PTi120 便携式口袋热像仪的可智能识别技术,可自动整理和归档热图像,并为您提供 120 x 90 红外分辨率的细致测量数据。
Compact Fluke PTi120 Pocket Thermal Camera - Fluke Corporation
Portable thermal camera for industrial inspection. In the right place. At the right time. With the right tool. The bigger the problem, the faster you need to solve it. The Fluke Pocket Thermal Camera puts the power to minimize downtime in everyone’s hands. The first line of defense for easy troubleshooting.
Fluke - FLK-PTI120 9HZ PTi120 Pocket Thermal Imager
2019年4月17日 · The handheld compact PTi120 Pocket Thermal Camera is the first line of defense for easy troubleshooting in industrial and residential spaces. Quickly and easily scan electrical panels, motors, and HVAC systems for hotspots or temperature differences so you can solve the problem fast.
- 评论数: 37
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Fluke PTi120
FLK-PTI120 9 Hz 120 x 90 热像仪 标配 红外热像仪;USB电缆;软携包;可调节腕带。免费下载: Fluke Connect 软件和用户手册。 更多信息请访问当地的福禄克网站,或者联系当地的福 禄克代表。 现场分享图像。 即时协作和报告。 发挥PTi120 的最大功效。
PTi120 Pocket Thermal Imager PREMIUM IMAGE QUALITY SPATIAL RESOLUTION 7.6 mRad RESOLUTION 120 x 90 TEMPERATURE RANGE -20 °C to 150 °C ENCLOSURE RATING IP54 IR FUSION The power of a professional-grade thermal imager that fits in your pocket. Rugged portable thermal camera for industrial inspection. Small enough to …
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pti120 umchi0000
Fluke PTi120 Pocket Thermal Imager (以下称“ 本产品” 或“ 热像仪”)是一款用途广泛的手持型红外热像仪,可用于设备故障排除、预防性和预测性维护、建筑诊断和研发等多种领域。 本产品通过工业级质量的高清 LCD 触摸屏显示热图像。 本产品会将图像保存到内存中,这些图像可通过 USB 直接连接的方式传输至 PC,或者通过无线传输方式传输至 PC 或移动设备。 本产品包含 Fluke Connect 桌面软件。 Fluke Connect 是具有质量分析和报告功能的高性能专业软件套件。
【FLUKE-PTi120】福禄克(FLUKE)FLUKE-PTi120 便携式口袋热像 …
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The Fluke PTi120 Pocket Thermal Imager (the Product or Imager) is a handheld, infrared imaging camera for use in many applications. These applications include equipment troubleshooting, preventive and predictive maintenance, building diagnostics, and research and development.
Fluke首款便携式口袋热像仪面市 智能点检-PTi120便携式口袋热像 …
高清红外热像仪,大尺寸可旋转屏幕(5.6英寸),图像质量更高(640x480),实测红外像素高达122万,配有精密位移成像技术,4倍实测红外像素,自动对焦、手动和 EverSharp 多点对焦成像系统集于一身,温度量程达到-20°C至1200°C(最高支持 2000 °C)。 高清红外热像仪,大尺寸可旋转屏幕(5.6英寸),图像质量更高(640x480),实测红外像素高达122万,配有精密位移成像技术,4倍实测红外像素,LaserSharp® 自动对焦、自动对焦、手动和 EverSharp 多点对焦成 …
Fluke PTI120-9HZ Pocket Thermal Imager, 120 x 90, 9 Hz
Rugged and weatherproof, this pocket thermal imager quickly scans the temperature of electrical equipment, machinery, and other assets. With an infrared resolution of 120 x 90, enterprise Wi-Fi connection capabilities, and a temperature range of -4 to 302°F (-20 to 150°C), this thermal imager can also survive a one-meter drop. Discontinued!