Soviet Amphibious Tractor PTS-M (1965)
The PTS-M was the mainstay of amphibious transportation, replacing the 6x6 BAV-485 in the Soviet and many other armies. It was replaced in the 1980s by the PTS-2 and nowadays by the PTS-4.
2018年7月13日 · 上世纪40年代末,苏联基于Т-70轻型坦克变形车研制了К-61型两栖运输车,这种履带式两栖运输车陆上载重3吨,水上载重能力5吨,足以运载一门火炮,或者一辆ЗИЛ卡车或 …
PTS - Weaponsystems.net
The PTS is an amphibious vehicle of Soviet origin. It was developed in the early 1960's as a replacement for the earlier K-61 amphibious vehicle. The name PTS stands for "Plavayushchij Transportyer Sryednyj", which is Russian for "medium amphibious vehicle".
Kapa K-61 (PTS) Soviet Anphibious Armored Personel Carrier
2023年10月2日 · Walkaround video of the Kapa-61 Armoured Vehicle of the Indonesian Marine Corp at the Museum Satria Mandala in Jakarta.
PTS-M两栖运输车PTSM K-61 K61 BAV-48 - CG模型网
CG模型网(cgmodel.com)聚集了全球数百万三维艺术设计师,提供优质三维模型(PTS-M两栖运输车PTSM K-61 K61 BAV-48)模型素材下载,属于(装甲车/坦克)模型,下载Blender(.blend)模型格式(PTS-M两栖运输车PTSM K-61 K61 BAV-48)模型,有版权的模型素材库下载,请上CG模型网。
PTS-2 (1985) - tank-afv.com
The PTS-2 was an upgrade to the earlier PTS-M series and was mainly used by Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces. it's key asset is Amphibious capability: The PTS-2 like its precedessor is capable of traversing rivers, lakes, and marshy terrain. It can transport up …
K-61 K61 Description identification Pictures picture image photo ...
Le K-61 parfois appelé GPT, a été remplacé dans les unités de première ligne par un véhicule amphibie plus récent le PTSM. Ce dernier n'a pas une charge utile plus importante mais peut atteindre une vitesse sur route plus élévée que celle du GPT avec une plus grande autonomie.
Mengenal KAPA K-61, Alutsista Legendaris Korps Marinir TNI AL
2023年2月12日 · KOMPAS.com - Korps Marinir TNI Angkatan Laut (AL) memiliki salah satu alutsista legendaris, yakni Kendaraan Amfibi Pengangkut Artileri atau KAPA K-61. Dilansir dari laman tnial.mil.id, KAPA K-61 yang memiliki julukan "Si Penyambung Lidah Operasi Amfibi", telah berusia mendekati 60 tahun beroperasi di Indonesia.
Rare floating transporters K-61 continue to serve in Indonesia
2019年4月1日 · Tracked Soviet-made K-61 transporters were spotted in Indonesia. Currently, the machines in service with the naval infantry of the country, are preparing for large-scale maneuvers, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The units of the Indonesian Marine Corps are armed with various types of armored vehicles of Soviet and Russian production.
K-61 - ARRSEpedia - The Army Rumour Service
The K-61 is an unarmoured, fully-tracked amphibious transport vehicle with a watertight all-steel hull. It is used mainly as a tactical support vehicle for transporting cargo, equipment and personnel in river-crossing operations. The K-61 is capable …