Pentylenetetrazol-induced kindling seizure attenuated by …
2006年12月30日 · EGb 761-treated mice displayed a significant attenuated response to PTZ on the test day (day 26) compared with saline-treated and VA-treated animals. Valproic acid significantly increased seizure latency. Pretreatments with EGb 761 significantly protected against PTZ-induced convulsive behaviors (seizure latency, seizure score).
硕士招生 - 北京大学研究生招生网
北京大学2025年研究生招生复试与录取工作有关规定 2025-03-12; 北京大学2025年硕士研究生招生复试基本分数线
Altered activities of rat brain metabolic enzymes caused by ...
2001年2月1日 · Pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced kindling is associated with a variety of behavioural, neurophysiological and neurochemical alterations resulting in long-lasting changes in hippocampal and cortical glutamate (Glu) receptor density (Schröder et al., 1993) as well as impairment of shuttle box learning (Becker et al., 1992, Becker et al., 1994, Schr...
Antiepileptogenic and antioxidant effects of - ScienceDirect
2005年9月1日 · In the PTZk group, repeated administration of a subconvulsant dose of PTZ (35 mg/kg, i.p.) on every second day (for 24 days, 11 injections) resulted in increasing convulsive activity leading to generalized clonic-tonic seizure score of 5.
日产v-up培训资料.ppt 104页 - 原创力文档
2018年1月7日 · 使用V-up工具或方法解决特定问题并达成目标的过程即为V-up活动。V-up活动由课题分解(IDEA)流程和课题解决流程两部分组成,其中课题解决流程分为“DECIDE”和“V-FAST” 两种。 日产公司在实施180计划的过程中,大力开展V-up活动,已经产生巨大的经济效益。
Evaluation of ghrelin, nesfatin-1 and irisin levels of serum and …
Serum and brain levels of FNDC5/irisin were found significantly increased in APTZ, AVPA and PTZk groups compared to the control (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Statistically significant alterations were detected in the serum and brain levels of these three peptides in both the PTZ-induced chronic epilepsy model and acute seizure model.
Multidyne Pan-Tilt-Zoom Mounting Kits use the Versatile LightBrix modular interface to securely attach a PTZ camera onto a VB enclosure, and to a tripod or ceiling (for a fixed installation). VB enclosures come in different sizes; currently PTZK-VB kits support VB4, VB6 & VB10 formats. Part numbers are: 2. PTZK-VBx content.
V-UP基本概念介绍 - 豆丁网
“V-up”是指日产汽车公司在全球范围内,为实. 现其复兴计划、事业计划(180计划和Value-up计划) 而使用的一种新的有效的解决问题的工具和管理方. 法。使用V-up工具或方法解决特定问题并达成目标. 的过程即为V-up活动。V-up工具由课题分解
『VUP官网』- 虚拟UP主爱好者的聚集地 - 哔哩哔哩
VUP官网(https://virtualup.cn/),是“VUP虚拟直播软件”官网,也是我们为虚拟UP主(虚拟YouTuber,虚拟主播,VTuber,Vup)爱好者们建立的一个全新的虚拟交流平台,希望能为大家提供一个专属的V圈,让大家可以尽情的分享和交流虚拟UP主相关,能让虚拟UP主这个圈子 ...
PTZK-VBx Mounting Kits for VB Frames Series 2 - MultiDyne
PTZK-VBx Mounting Kits for VB Frames Series 2 Multidyne Pan-Tilt-Zoom Mounting Kits use the Versatile LightBrix modular interface to securely attach a PTZ camera onto a VB enclosure, and to a tripod or ceiling (for a fixed installation).