Vouge - Fire Emblem Wiki
The Vouge (Japanese: プージ Pugi) is the personal axe of Osian, introduced in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. It acts as an enhanced Hand Axe, sporting greater power and significantly greater accuracy and critical rate.
Vouge - Fire Emblem Wiki | Fandom
Vouge is an Axe that appears exclusively in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. Bound specifically to Osian among the playable units, this axe is one that is highly versatile, not just because of its ability to attack up to a Range of two spaces away, the Vouge is also defined by a light Weight and high Accuracy and Critical rates.
The 'Pugi' and its Mysterious Etymology - Serenes Forest Forums
2016年9月28日 · Anyone who has played Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (barring those who didn’t bother to visit some particular village with a particular unit back in Ch. 1) would be familiar with a rather accurate killer hand axe known as the 'Pugi'. Recent days have even seen memes due to its amazing combat utility. ...
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 – Guide and Walkthrough - GameFAQs
2006年11月6日 · Have Othrin visit the village outside the village to get a Pugi Axe. And have Halvan visit the east village down south to receive a Hero Axe. And visit the other remaining villages to get...
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 – Guide and Walkthrough - GameFAQs
2009年12月21日 · When you start off, you should send Othin to the bottom house and get the Pugi Axe, which is an incredibly powerful weapon. Meanwhile, Leaf and the rest should move into town. Try and give kills...
New Thracia 776 translation - Serenes Forest Forums
2013年5月16日 · Therefore, the same should be thought of Pugi/Orsin's Axe. Klok, in the japanese version it wasn't Reginlief , it was Ephraims BraveLance. it also wasn't Pugi in japanese awakening.
Axes - Serenes Forest
This site was created to provide accurate and reliable information about the Fire Emblem series.
Axes - Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - Games - Tanas Manor
Weapon becomes an Iron Axe when stolen. Effective against armored units. Effective against horseback units. Allows the wielder to strike twice.
C++ PugiXML库解析XML 含中文时无法解析 - CSDN社区
2012年9月6日 · pugixml库是关于XML解析应用的一个动态链接库,使用者只需将压缩包解压到一定的工作目录下,在程序中直接添加动态链接库直接使用即可,pugiXML简单实用
C/C++解析XML,pugixml库的使用 - CSDN博客
2017年11月20日 · 本文介绍c++编写的xml解析库——pugixml,能解析xml内容,支持 xpath 解析,同时能够跨linux平台,非常方便。 总结一下使用步骤和简单的使用方法: 使用pugixml库需要三个文件:pugiconfig.h/pugixml.h/pugixml.cpp,可直接从gugixml官网下载,将其加入工程,使用处如包含头文件pugiconfig.h/pugixml.h。 只需要将这两行的注释去掉即可。 <!-- 输入参数配置 --> <!-- 查询词的返回结果xpath配置 --> <!-- 评分权重配置 r1~r4-期望结果的权重,n1~n10-实际查询 …
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