Purpled is the best MCC Player right now : …
Not sure Purpled was guaranteed first there, even without the block glitch. Looking at the clip, it looks like Illumina's bridge is closer to the end, and then the top 4 finishes happened so fast Purpled easily could've gotten anywhere from 1st to 5th depending on how fast he jumped and found someone to punch.
What does “purpled” or “yellowed”mean? Thanks, team!
2021年10月20日 · Purpled used to mean when someone is absolutely shafted by the edit and barely get any screen time across the entire season. Started with Purple Kelly from Nicaragua. Nowadays on this sub, if someone goes 2 or 3 episodes without …
Who is actually better at mcc Sapnap or Purpled? A very ... - Reddit
2023年4月23日 · The gap is pretty large in AR. Purpled is the best AR player, Sapnap isn't even top 5. Not at all even in SOT. Purpled is one of the best runners out there, consistently getting like top 5 in CpM, often getting top 5 in coins collected despite weak SoT teams. We can predict; Sapnap isn't really known for Parkour.
Does anyone feel like people use the term "purpled" too early?
2021年10月9日 · Purple barely has meaning due to its constant overuse. I’ve seen people say Alison S37 was “purpled” but barely, she has an average of 1.5 confessionals and episode. Chelsea from GI was purpled for example but people use the word way too much, and as you mentioned, way too early.
r/purpled - Reddit
Purpled promoted a game on stream at least a year ago that was made by a friend of his I believe and it was a procedurally generated dungeon crawler with pixel graphics. Was trying to show it to someone but cannot remember the title and my google searches arent helping. Any info from people who remember that stream would help!
purpled might be the best individual player rn : r ... - Reddit
2023年5月14日 · yeah i completely get what u mean. to me, individual skill is the ability to preform well regardless of how your team does. purpled showed this best in mcc 26 and more notably in mcc 29 his teams placed 4th and 10th respectively and he got 1st and 3rd individual respectively. i need a more textbook term but generally being able to get a top spot regardless of how your team does is individual ...
Did Purpled just speedrun to S Tier? : r/MinecraftChampionship
2022年5月28日 · Purpled has been on multiple strong teams throughout all of his MCCs thus far. I think if he gets top 10 with a “weaker” squad (MCC balanced well anyways), he should be locked in. As for jojo, I think all she needs is a win.
Purpled with Feinberg mechanics vs Fruit with VOD review would …
Purpled has said that he does zero practice for Blockwars. He played BW 6 after a 6 hour drive with no preparation and still came 1st despite much heavier competition and half of his team getting subbed out Idk, watching his general movement from his streams; its around as smooth as Fruit, Pete and Purpled; the top MCC Movement players.
Which ‘purpled’ player actually had the most potential to shine?
2022年7月11日 · It’s been so long since I’ve seen Africa but Kim Powers. I don’t know if she was purpled or not but she wasn’t a big character like Ethan, Lex, Big Tom, T-Bird, etc. If Brandon doesn’t flip on Samburu, Ethan doesn’t win Africa and Kim likely would’ve been the winner in that alternate scenario from what I’ve heard.
Who was a player that got purpled that you remember for some
2023年1月22日 · Bobdawg for depriving Casaya of wine but not feeling bad for depriving Courtney of wine. She’s probably one of the two or three most annoying people in the history of the world. Also his random yet awesome inclusion on the front cover of Panama despite being a purpled premerger 😂