Pvkv IV | War Thunder Wiki
The Pvkv IV Värjan was an experimental tank destroyer that was developed during the 1950s along with the Pvkv II and Pvkv III. The Pvkv IV is based on the hull of Strv m/40L with an new turret to be able fit the new 57 mm Pvkan m/43 and keep the L-60 hulls in service longer.
[Development] Pvkv IV: the Last Effort - News - War Thunder
2023年8月23日 · The Pvkv IV is the final design of a series of experimental Swedish tank destroyers, developed in the postwar period in an effort to equip the armed forces with modern fighting vehicles. Soon, the Pvkv IV will reinforce the early ranks of the Swedish ground forces tree with its arrival as part of the next major War Thunder update!
Pansarvärnskanonvagn m/43 - Wikipedia
The Pansarvärnskanonvagn m/43 (Pvkv m/43) was a tank destroyer developed by Landsverk. As the use of tanks became more and more important during the Second World War, fighting them became more and more urgent. The German Wehrmacht had …
【图片】Pvkv IV:最后一搏【战争雷霆吧】_百度贴吧
提供动力的 142 马力汽油发动机在理想条件下可使 Pvkv IV 达到 45 公里/小时的速度,而可观的功重比也确保了战车在越野条件下的加速性能以及良好的机动性。 Pvkv IV 将伴随下个战争雷霆重大更新的到来,加入瑞典陆军中阶科技树。
PVKV 4 is insanely bad at 3.7, change it to 2.7 or 3.0 - Reddit
Pvkv IV is still pretty amazing at 3.7. With its 179mm APDS you can pen pretty much everyone you look at. Imo it is fine where it is. Excellent gun depression. Quick reload. Access to APHE with similar stats to Soviet 76mm at the same BR (for a 57mm the postpen damage is insane) Unprecedented sabot at that tier with good postpen damage as well.
Pvkv IV - War Thunder Wiki
The Pvkv IV is an excellent ambush tank, equipped with a powerful 57 mm Pvkan m/43 designed to knock out vehicles from a distance where it can be relatively safe and protected from enemy fire.
[开发] Pvkv IV:最后一搏 新闻-War Thuner
提供动力的 142 马力汽油发动机在理想条件下可使 Pvkv IV 达到 45 公里/小时的速度,而可观的功重比也确保了战车在越野条件下的加速性能以及良好的机动性。 Pvkv IV 将伴随下个战争雷霆重大更新的到来,加入瑞典陆军中阶科技树。
【战争雷霆载具资料】Pvkv IV轻型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
优点:主炮穿甲能力强,俯角较大。 缺点:装甲防护较差,炮塔转速较慢。 建议用法:远距离狙击,山地战。 避免用法:近距离作战,平原野战,巷战。
【战争雷霆-开发日志】Pvkv IV:最后一搏 - 哔哩哔哩
提供动力的 142 马力汽油发动机在理想条件下可使 Pvkv IV 达到 45 公里/小时的速度,而可观的功重比也确保了战车在越野条件下的加速性能以及良好的机动性。 Pvkv IV 将伴随下个战争雷霆重大更新的到来,加入瑞典陆军中阶科技树。
[Development] Pvkv IV: the Last Effort (3 - War Thunder
The Pvkv IV is the final design of a series of experimental Swedish tank destroyers, developed in the postwar period in an effort to equip the armed forces with modern fighting vehicles. Soon, the Pvkv IV will reinforce the early ranks of the Swedish ground forces tree with its arrival as part of the next major War Thunder update!