Pvkv II | War Thunder Wiki
The Pvkv II excels in long-distance combat, utilizing its extended 75 mm range to function effectively as a sniper while minimizing exposure. Additionally, it serves well as a support tank, particularly when allied units encounter heavily armoured targets that the Pvkv II …
Pansarvärnskanonvagn m/43 - Wikipedia
The Pvkv m/43 was built on the chassis of the Stridsvagn m/42. It had a casemate design in place of a turret. The superstructure had an open top to reduce weight and a tarpaulin was used as protection against rain.
北方不落的三皇冠——瑞典装甲发展史(中) - 知乎专栏
Pvkv II基于Strv m/41底盘,设计了一个可以旋转的战斗室并装载着一门75mm Lvkv m/36防空炮作为主要武器。 而Pvkv III和Pvkv II也采用的是Strv m/41底盘并且总体外观相似,但装备的是57mm Pvkv m/43反坦克炮。
【战雷情报】——Pvkv II: 火药味的玻璃心|芝士速译 - 哔哩哔哩
The Pvkv II is an experimental tank destroyer, developed in the early 1950s as a stopgap measure for the Swedish military, lacking in modern tanks at the start of the Cold War. Coming to the game as part of the new Swedish ground forces tree, tankers will have the chance to put this interesting prototype to the true test of combat in the War ...
【战争雷霆-开发日志】Pvkv II: Glass Cannon(玻璃大炮)
Pvkv II是一款于20世纪50年代初期开发的实验型坦克歼击车。 由于冷战初期缺乏现代坦克,瑞典军方选择研发该款歼击车作为维护地面力量的权宜之计。 作为1.97全新瑞典陆战科技树的一员,玩家们将由机会驾驶这款歼击车原型在战争雷霆的战场上验证它的真实能力。
Pvkv II - War Thunder Wiki
The Pvkv II is a classical tank destroyer that does best in a good hull-down position where it can accurately hit enemy vehicles at long range. The combination of great gun depression, a fully rotating turret, and an amazing gunsight allow for considerably more flexibility than conventional casemate tank destroyers.
Pvkv II – Glass Cannon | War Thunder Wiki
2024年12月9日 · The Pvkv II sports the 75 mm lvkan m/37 A cannon, a powerful gun for its calibre as it can dish out damage that can leave a tank either dead on the spot or critically damaged to no repair. Its 13-second reload (10 if aced) is a small drawback but is negligible with the ammunition it uses against the target it faces.
【战争雷霆载具资料】Pvkv II坦克歼击车 - 哔哩哔哩
Pvkv II坦克歼击车外形示例. 概述↓. 类型:坦克歼击车. 权重:4.0. 存在系别:瑞典. 原产国:捷克斯洛伐克/德国. 设计师:不详. 开始服役时间:未服役(1950~1955年间研发但未被采用) 采用底盘:38 (t)轻型坦克. 系列产量:不详. 尺寸与重量↓. 战斗全重:12.0吨. 全长:不详. 总宽:2.14米. 总高:2.71米. 车组乘员:5人(车长+驾驶员+炮手+装填手+机枪手) 机动性↓. 发动机类型:不详. 发动机功率:165马力(2300转/分钟) 通算功重比:13.75马力/吨. 档位分布:5前1后. 最大 …
Pvkv IV | War Thunder Wiki
The Pvkv IV Värjan was an experimental tank destroyer that was developed during the 1950s along with the Pvkv II and Pvkv III. The Pvkv IV is based on the hull of Strv m/40L with an new turret to be able fit the new 57 mm Pvkan m/43 and keep the L-60 hulls in service longer.
[Development] Pvkv II: Glass Cannon - News - War Thunder
The Pvkv II is an experimental tank destroyer, developed in the early 1950s as a stopgap measure for the Swedish military, lacking in modern tanks at the start of the Cold War. Coming to the game as part of the new Swedish ground forces tree, tankers will have the chance to put this interesting prototype to the true test of combat in the War ...