Pirates, Vikings and Knights II - PVKII Wiki
2017年12月19日 · Pirates, Vikings and Knights II, usualy abbreviated as PVKII or PVK2, is a video game mod which utilizes the Source Engine, known for powering games such as Half-Life 2, Counter Strike: Source, to name a few. It is a total conversion with mostly original content and an unique entry in the Source Engine modding scene for its hand-to-hand combat ...
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Pirates, Vikings & Knights II
Pirates, Vikings & Knights II is a multiplayer mod where players battle as pirates, vikings, or knights for wealth and power.
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Play Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Steam
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II pits three teams against each other in a struggle for wealth, power and total domination. Whether using the Gunpowder Keg to clear out a territory full of enemies, or the Javelin to pin your dead foes to a wall, you'll find this game both hilarious and exhilarating.
Pirates Vikings and Knights II | PVKII | Mods & Resources
Pirates Vikings and Knights II - Mods & Resources by the PVKII Modding Community.
Heavy Knight | Pirates, Vikings and Knights II Wiki | Fandom
Like the Medieveal version of a modern battle-tank, these warriors are capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of damage without so much as a grunt. They wear heavy armour which clatters as they run.
[遊戲推廣][第一人稱揮砍遊戲] Pirates Vikings & Knights II 海盜.維京與騎士 II (PVK2)
2012年10月31日 · 佔領越多的寶箱 點數扣的越快 與聖物模式一樣 點數先扣完的一方 將獲得勝利! 搶到寶箱後 丟到特定點 為自己陣營堤高勝利的機率! 當然...寶箱最多的一方 通常也是最容易被圍剿的一方! 時限到了 通常會有一些災害 (如岩漿湧出 或是天板崩落)使地圖變得更小 好分勝負! 也是點數歸零的一方獲勝! 點燃並且在快要爆炸的時候丟出去 後果將會很可觀! 對於重型武器的角色 這種體積小又愛亂飛的鸚鵡可是非常難纏的! 2.雙持刀斧:可以連砍的武器 (剁剁剁!!!) 特殊能力:使用 …
How can I change the language in pvk2? :: Pirates, Vikings,
2016年12月3日 · I used another language in the past and then switched to english but I want to change the language now. I tried everything, the options menu and also in the steam library "properties" but I couldnt find the language setting. Please help me! I remember that I changed the language from russian to english by changing the language of steam.
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