How to play music continuously in pyglet - Stack Overflow
2014年12月10日 · import pyglet source = pyglet.media.load(filename='alarm.wav') player = pyglet.media.Player() player.loop = True player.queue(source) player.play() pyglet.app.run() The player.play() call will play the sound only once. After that, pyglet.app.run() will continue to play in loop, but blocking the execution. If we want to do other things while the ...
python - How do I make 3D in pyglet? - Stack Overflow
2019年1月26日 · See pyglet - The OpenGL interface: [...] pyglet sets up the viewport and an orthographic projection on each window automatically. If you would use the perspective projection. gluPerspective(35,1,0.1,1000) then the triangle would disappear, because it would be clipped by the near plane of the perspective projection (0.1).
graphics - pixelwise drawing in pyglet (python) - Stack Overflow
2013年7月9日 · OK. I'm tired of googling and reading throught lots of documentation with no results. My aim is simple: get pyglet to draw an image pixel by pixel. I've been searching for hours with no results. ...
python - How to draw 3D model in PyGlet - Stack Overflow
2020年5月4日 · I'm pretty sure pyglet is just made for 2d stuff. The .draw() function rasterisers 2d images pixel by pixel, but more complicated rendering methods are needed for 3d models, even a simple cube. You may need to write a lot more code for this project.
python - cons/pros of pygame and pyglet - Stack Overflow
pyglet has a neat, newer API, and is convenient (pure Python, BSD license instead of LGPL). As for speed, I've run no benchmarks but I gather that out of the box pyglet is better at exploiting advanced HW acceleration for 3D work, while pygame is better at 2D work and on HW that's nowhere as advanced (smart phones, netbooks, etc, don't have ...
python - where is the button widget in pyglet ? - Stack Overflow
I didn't use Pyglet yet, but is not a GUI library, it doesn't have to have widgets like buttons, or containers etc. It's a multimedia library like Pygame, it draws stuff on screen, plays sounds, and has some helper functions.
pyglet: blit a texture with specified alpha mask
2012年1月10日 · There's a slightly easier way to add an alpha mask to an image, in Pyglet. Based on this sample code for displaying an image, there are two things you'd need. First, these lines: # Enable alpha blending, required for image.blit. glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
Visualizing large amount of data using Pyglet - Stack Overflow
2020年1月8日 · In order to visualize the data I try to use Pyglet with batch rendering. Once the first rotation (2048 angles) have been displayed, the program should continue through the data, showing the newest recordings.
Resource Not Found Exception in pyglet - Stack Overflow
2012年7月31日 · import pyglet import os working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) pyglet.resource.path = [os.path.join(working_dir,'Images')] pyglet.resource.reindex() image = pyglet.resource.image('character.png')) It's better to use the os.path.join method instead of …
Pyglet. OpenGL. How to draw rect in front of other based on "z" axis
pyglet.graphics.glEnable(pyglet.graphics.GL_DEPTH_TEST) Note, the default depth function is GL_LESS, this cause that a fragment is discarded, if a fragment has been drawn at the same place, and the new fragment has a depth which is greater or equal than the depth of …