pymssql — pymssql 2.1.1.dev documentation
pymssql¶ A simple database interface for Python that builds on top of FreeTDS to provide a Python DB-API interface to Microsoft SQL Server. The 2.x branch of pymssql is built on the latest release of FreeTDS which removes many of the limitations found with older FreeTDS versions and the 1.x branch.
pymssql examples — pymssql 2.1.4 documentation
pymssql examples. Basic features (strict DB-API compliance) Connecting using Windows Authentication; Iterating through results; Important note about Cursors; Rows as dictionaries; Using the with statement (context managers) Calling stored procedures; Using pymssql with cooperative multi-tasking systems; _mssql examples; Release notes; FreeTDS ...
Introduction — pymssql 2.1.4 documentation
The document set you are reading describes exclusively the code base of pymssql 2.x and newer. All description of functionality, workarounds, limitations, dependencies, etc. of older revisions has been removed.
pymssql examples — pymssql 2.1.1.dev documentation
pymssql examples. Basic features (strict DB-API compliance) Iterating through results; Rows as dictionaries; Using the with statement (context managers) Calling stored procedures; _mssql examples. Quickstart usage of various features; An example of exception handling; Release notes. pymssql 2.0.0; FreeTDS configuration. Testing the connection ...
pymssql module reference — pymssql documentation
pymssql module reference¶ Complete documentation of pymssql module classes, methods and properties.
_mssql examples — pymssql 2.1.4 documentation
Please note the usage of iterators and ability to access results by column name. Also please note that parameters to connect method have different names than in pymssql module.
_mssql module reference — pymssql 2.1.4 documentation
Starting with pymssql version 2.0.0 and up to version 2.1.2 it was already possible to set the TDS protocol version to ask for when connecting to the server but version 7.1 was used if not specified.
pymssql module reference — pymssql 2.2.0.dev documentation
See the pymssql examples document for a more concrete example. A pymssql extension to the DB-API 2.0.
FreeTDS — pymssql 2.1.4 documentation
pymssql uses FreeTDS package to connect to SQL Server instances. You have to tell it how to find your database servers. The most basic info is host name, port number, and protocol version to use.
Connecting to Azure SQL Database — pymssql 2.1.4 documentation
Starting with version 2.1.1 pymssql can be used to connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Make sure the following requirements are met: Use FreeTDS 0.91 or newer; Use TDS protocol 7.1 or newer; Make sure FreeTDS is built with SSL support; Specify the database name you are connecting to in the database parameter of the relevant connect() call