PZL.43 - Wikipedia
The PZL.43 was a Polish light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft designed in the mid-1930s by PZL in Warsaw. It was a development of the PZL.23 Karaś. Its main user was the Bulgarian Airforce who called it the Chaika (Чайка, gull).
PZL.43 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
PZL.43 (bułg. Чайка – Mewa) – polski samolot rozpoznawczo-bombowy, wersja eksportowa samolotu PZL.23 Karaś. Zaprojektowany i zbudowany w 1936 roku w Państwowych Zakładach Lotniczych.
PZL.43 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PZL.43 was a Polish light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft designed in the mid-1930s by PZL in Warsaw. It was an export development of the PZL.23 Karaś. Its main user was the Bulgarian Airforce who called it the Chaika (Чайка, gull).
波兰空军 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1938年, 波蘭國家飛機製造廠 (英语:Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze) (PZL)設計了一款現代雙引擎中型轟炸機: PZL.37麋鹿式 (英语:PZL.37 Łoś)。 「麋鹿」的炸彈艙酬載量為2,580公斤,最高時速為439公里/小時,即使在1939年仍然是非常先進和高性能的設計。 不幸的是,在 納粹入侵 之前,只有30架「麋鹿」A(單尾翼)和70架「麋鹿」B(雙尾翼)交機服役。 作為觀測機和近距離偵察機,波蘭偵察機使用了速度緩慢且容易損壞的 盧布林 R XIII (英语:Lublin R …
PZL.43 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El PZL.43 fue un bombardero ligero y avión de reconocimiento polaco diseñado a mediados de la década de 1930 por PZL en Varsovia. Era una versión de exportación del PZL.23 Karaś. Su principal usuario fue la Fuerza Aérea de Bulgaria, que lo llamó Chaika (Чайка, gaviota).
PZL.43 - Wikiwand
The PZL.43 was a Polish light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft designed in the mid-1930s by PZL in Warsaw. It was a development of the PZL.23 Karaś . Its main user was the Bulgarian Airforce who called it the Chaika (Чайка, gull ).
PZL P-23 / P-43 Karas - light bomber - aviastar.org
One other version similar to the Karas B entered production, however, as the P.43A Karas, of which 12 were built for the Bulgarian air force and delivered in 1937. This model differed by having the 694kW Gnome-Rhone radial engine, improved crew accommodation, and armament increased by the addition of a second forward-firing machine-gun.
PZL.43 – Уикипедия
PZL.43 "Czajka" е лек бомбардировач и разузнавателен самолет, специална модификация на PZL.23 Karaś предназначен за Българските военновъздушни сили, проектиран и построен през 1936 г. в Държавните ...
PZL 23 and 43 Karaś (Carp) - Warbirds Resource Group
Final export variant was PZL.23A, with 1020 hp Gnome-Rhone 14N-01 engine. 52 PZL.43s were made in total, all for Bulgaria only. The new engine improved the plane's performance considerably, maximum speed increased to 365 km/h. At that time, Poland developed a new light bomber, partly basing on PZL.23 design, the PZL.46 Sum, but only two ...
PZL.43简介-PZL.43高清图片-PZL.43性能介绍-PZL.43特点及发展 …
PZL.43波兰PZL.43轻型轰炸机是PZL.23的改进型用于出口保加利亚,PZL.43安装了更大功率的发动机,因此性能比PZL.23有一定提高。 1938年保加利亚订购了42架,到战争爆发时只完工了36架,其中9架已经装箱还没来得及交付保加利亚,波兰空军紧急装配好了其中5架投入战斗,其中1架在战斗中被1架Bf-110击落,还有1架被2架Bf-109严重击伤,迫降后无法使用,而当时这些PZL.43都还涂着保加利亚的标志,另外3架在波兰战败后被德军缴获,而4架没拆箱的PZL.43 …
Polish Wings 17: PZL.23 Karas/PZL.42/PZL.43/PZL.46 Sum
PZL.43 Chayka. 16 pages cover the PZL.43, an export version of the PZL.23 fitted with a Gnome-Rhone rather than Bristol Pegasus engine. The new powerplant necessitated a number of airframe changes, and these were significant enough to warrant a new name for the aircraft.
PZL.43 Czajka — Википедия
PZL.43 Czajka, известный также как P.43 — польский одномоторный самолёт-бомбардировщик, состоявший на вооружении ВВС Польши, Болгарии и Германии. Выпускался под индексами P-42 и P-43.
PZL.43 A 'CHAYKA' Bulgarian Air Force 1941-1944 Mirage …
The PZL.43 Czajka was a Polish reconnaissance and low-wing bomber aircraft from the interwar period and World War II. The machine was first tested in 1936 and its production continued in the years 1937-1939. The drive was provided by a single engine Gnome-Rhone 14Kfs or 14NO1 with 930 and 980 hp.
PZL P.43 Karas - wardrawings.be
Speed: 365 km/h | Ceiling: 8500 m | Range: 1250 km. Bombs: 600-700 kg bombs.
PZL.43 A 'CHAYKA', Mirage Hobby MIR-481404 (2020) - Scalemates
Mirage Hobby model kit in scale 1:48, MIR-481404 is a rebox released in 2020 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | PZL.23 Karas | EAN: 5901461481450
Уголок неба ¦ PZL P-43
Больший вес мотора "Gnome-Rhone" привел к удлинению фюзеляжа - за счет кабины экипажа. Самолет получил обозначение P-43А. В отличие от P-23 на этом самолете устанавливались спереди два пулемета и капот более простой формы. На P-43 был получен заказ от Болгарии, и к концу 1937 года болгарские ВВС получили 12 самолетов.
Focke-Wulf Ta-400 - wardrawings.be
PZL P.43B Karas Light Bomber. /Airplanes/Axis/Germany/04-Bombers/PZL-P43/PZL-P43B.htm | Up-dated: -
AeroScale :: Mirage Hobby 1:48 PZL.43A Review
In the PZL.43 kit we get absolutely new fuselage, cockpit interior and engine with its cowling and equipment (exhaust pipes, radiators). Two sprues are common with the earlier PZL.23 Karaś kits. These refers to the parts of the wings, undercarriage and some internal details.
PZL M28 — Википедия
PZL M28 — модифицированный польский двухмоторный самолёт предназначен для укороченного взлёта и посадки. Представляет собой модификацию советского Ан-28, выпускавшегося по лицензии на польском авиазаводе PZL Mielec. Оригинальный вариант, строился по лицензии ОКБ Антонова, с двигателями PZL-10S (лицензия TV-10B).
2025年3月3日 · reconnaissance-bomber pzl.43 was an export type, equipped with stronger engine and new fuselage, of pzl.23 karas /crucian/ plane, designed by engineer stanisŁaw prauss. SERIAL PRODUCTION OF THE FIRST 12 PZL43 PLANES WAS INITIATED IN 1936.