什么是CBCT?它和CT有什么区别? - 知乎专栏
CBCT是 Cone Beam CT 的简称,也就是锥形束CT,Cone是圆锥、圆锥形的意思;Beam是指(粒子的)束,比如光束、电子束等。 既然叫锥形束CT,那么就是和传统的诊断医学CT有区别,我们传统的诊断CT出的X射线束是类似于扇形束Fan Beam,这个扇形束有一定的厚度,但是不 ...
57 questions with answers in CBCT | Scientific method
2015年12月14日 · Explore the latest questions and answers in CBCT, and find CBCT experts. Maxillary structure landmarks? What would be the best points (cephalometric or landmarks) on the maxilla, (only bone...
The 5 most commonly asked questions about CBCT
2016年3月28日 · Dental Products Report decided to explore some of the most common questions he recieves about CBCT. Continue to the next page to see the top CBCT questions. What is the return on investment or how do I justify this amount of capital?
What is a CBCT Scan and Why Do You Need One? - Conescan
2025年3月3日 · CBCT, or Cone Beam Computed Tomography, is a type of technology and diagnostic tool that has revolutionized the way various scanning protocols are used for different medical procedures. CBCT scans are becoming increasingly popular in fields such as endodontics, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) analysis, …
Editor's Summary and Q&A: In-vitro comparison of 2 cone-beam …
2009年12月1日 · The introduction of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in dentomaxillofacial radiology has created new diagnostic challenges, including some potential opportunities for evaluating impacted teeth.
CBCT Forum | Cavendish Imaging
Consultant Radiologists, Dr Lee Feinberg and Dr Steve Colley will be joining us to discuss the CBCT Interpretation Sessions: Normal and Diseased Anatomy. This forum has been designed to give you the opportunity to discuss what you have learnt from the Interpretation CPD sessions.
CBCT Lecture on Endodontics and Hands-On Workshop
2023年7月29日 · Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) has become an indispensable radiographic modality for dentists, providing high-quality, accurate three-dimensional (3D) representations of maxillofacial structures.
What is a CBCT Scan and Why Do You Need One?
2021年2月5日 · 3D cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an imaging technology that allows dentists to evaluate the underlying bone structure, as well as the nerve pathways and surrounding soft tissues. During a CBCT scan, the imaging …
CBCT Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is a CBCT, Weakness of 3D imaging, Disadvantages of CBCT and more.
CBCTの算定について | Q&A | しろぼんねっと
2024年9月24日 · 根管治療後、上顎洞粘膜の変化を確認するための歯科用CTの撮影は、保険算定が認められるでしょうか。 デンタル写真では、根尖周辺、上顎洞粘膜の様子はよく分かりません。 質問の回答はログイン後に閲覧できます。 会員になると、過去の診療報酬の閲覧やポイント付与など様々な特典がつきます。 毎度、大臼歯の根管治療の度にCT撮影をし算定をするのは可能なのでしょうか? 他院画像取込処置の点数を教えて下さい. 初診時にパノラマ撮影し、更 …