PoeCharm: 中文版 Path of Building Fork - 流亡編年史, Path of Exile …
q:什麼是 pob ? POB 全稱 PathOfBuilding 是開發者 Openarl 為 POE 開發的離線的優秀的 流派 構建工具,後續成為 GGG 員工後就不再繼續提供更新,社群另外開啟 PathOfBuilding Fork 版。
流放国服角色导入pob喂饭级教程 - 流放之路 - 踩蘑菇社区
2、记录自己的POESESSID:在自己的账号界面点击浏览器更多中找到开发者工具,点击应用找到Cookie-点击poe.game.qq.com-在右面找到POESESSID,复制后面的字符串。 再找到p_uin,加到POESESSID后面。 例如: POESESSID字符串是:b603f6b724f9bb73b1c0780b42c43a20, p_uin后面是o001213441. 组合成:b603f6b724f9bb73b1c0780b42c43a20; p_uin= o001213441。 注意上面的符号必须是英文格式,也可以手动输入。 3、打开PoeCharm2,点击新建-导入-选 …
【流放之路】POE工具使用教程(图文版) - 哔哩哔哩
pob是什么? POB是POE(流放之路的简称)的一款辅助开发BD(可理解为:角色,流派。 build的缩写)的工具,全称为 PathOfBuilding。
小白互助,国际服pob导入终于让我给整明白了,纯小白分享绝对 …
第一步:找到浏览器上面3个点,点击拓展. 第二步:点击获取拓展. 第三步:搜索油猴,选择第二个tampermonkey. 第四步:选择“篡改猴”,点击获取,等一会他就自己安装好了(明明叫篡改猴为啥又叫油猴,整的我还懵了一下,以为怎么就找不到呢) 第五步:等一会后,地址栏出现这个黑呼呼的就说明油猴安装好了. 第六步:这个时候我们点击这个图标,在下拉菜单点击获取新脚本. 第七步:在打开的页面搜索POE. 第八步:找到POE export 点击安装,一下就安装好了. 第九步: …
GitHub - cn-poe-community/pob-cn: 不修改原POB计算相关的魔 …
Welcome to Path of Building, an offline build planner for Path of Exile! Calculate your skill DPS, damage over time, life/mana/ES totals and much more! Fully integrated with the offence/defence calculations; see exactly how each node will affect your character! Add items from in game by copying and pasting them straight into the program!
Path of Building Community Fork
Path of Building Community is a fork of the original Path of Building by Openarl. It is now actively maintained by Path of Exile community members. Features not originally present have been added, new mechanics are getting supported regularly, and any work on the original is integrated as well. Want to join us? We would be glad to have you!
关于POB汉化的问题,我的解决办法 - 哔哩哔哩
pob使用方法! 学会以后,你和大神只有一步之遥,一个文档帮你搞定雕像稀有词缀查询2.0,直达市集(流放之路1费西亚的传承),暴徒尖刺战吼T17灵祭塔庙,女巫:召唤物老死怎么不找自己问题?
pob使用指南 - 流放之路 - 踩蘑菇社区 - 踩蘑菇游戏社区
最关键的是pob可以自定义装备,任意修改装备的词条。 比如你不知道你该调整旋风斩攻速为多少最佳,就在随意一件装备上加一条词条“攻击速度提高/降低 x%”,调整x的数值,就能得到最佳攻速。
Home - Path of Building
Path of Building Community is a modified version of the original Path of Building developed by Openarl. Dedicated Path of Exile community members have actively maintained it for more than a year. Additional features that were not part of the original version have been incorporated, and ongoing support for new mechanics is a regular occurrence.
Path of building 2 is released! | PoE2DB
Path of building 2 is released! https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding-PoE2/releases. Quick reminder that you can ctrl+C your items in path of exile in order to quickly paste them into PoB, since importing's not currently active. All game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Grinding Gear Games.
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